Chapter 14: Australia

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so yeah. I don't own anything! 

credits to the respective owners, especially JK Rowling. 


"What a dream." Alexis exclaimed as she woke up. She stretched out like a cat when suddenly she punched someone accidentally, her eyes quickly opened and saw Malfoy's face, his hand rubbing his right cheek and his forehead furrowed.

"Bloody! What was that for Selwyn?!"

"I'm sorry! I didn't mean to..."

"What happened here?" Blaise interjected, he was holding two cups of coffee and he was handing her one. Alexis nodded her thanks and took a sip. Oh Merlin, this is all real! I'm going to Australia, my seatmates are Malfoy, Zabini and Nott Jr. Oh my gosh!

"She punched me!" Malfoy said to the guy.

"Punch him again!" Nott joked. She laughed and looked at the three of them. How come I can talk and laugh with this three like I can with Harry and Ron? They're Slytherins, they are purebloods, soldiers of Voldemort, and their parents tortured me and my friends. How come I can get along with them just fine? Is this what they really are when they're not pressured by their elders? Alexis watched them as they kid around, punching each other. Just like children in a playroom. Their smiles and their laughs are so catching; anyone can just do it along with them.

"Earth to Selwyn, hello!" Zabini was waving his hand in front of her face.

"Huh? Yeah, what did you say?"

"I was asking you, if you have a place to stay in Australia?"

"Oh, no, I'll be renting a condo unit."

"Why are you exactly going to Australia?" Malfoy asked.

"I'm going to look for my pa... rest house, we lived there once" Really a rest house Mione? You can't even afford a small cottage on your own. But she can't let them know she was going to look for her parents, and the fact that she is hiding from them.

"A rest house huh? You Selwyns are pretty rich then?" Theodore interjected. She nodded at him carelessly. Now she has to think about some easy ways to get rich really fast, if she should go on with this facade.

Hours gone by, they all slept, ate and the three guys interrogated her for the whole time. Alexis' throat felt really dry afterwards. Now they finally landed, and she plans on getting the hell out of this airport without the guys noticing.

So Alexis immediately pushed herself out of the airplane, saying her apologies to other people she was intentionally bumping to get in her way and rushed to the holding room. She got herself a cart for her bags and tapped her foot impatiently as she waited for her luggages to show themselves. When she finally saw a glimpse of her bags, she also got a view of one blonde haired guy coming her way. Oh no, please don't come here. No. No. No.

"Getting rid of us fast?" His tone amused.

"No, why would I? I still have a long day to go and I really want to start looking for a place to stay and for that rest house I was talking about." She mumbled fastly, still looking at her bags in her peripherals. C'mon faster!

"Is that so? Then why don't you stay with us?" She heard Theodore suggest, Blaise on his side nodding quite vigorously.

"Oh, I'm sorry guys, I can't. Beside-oh! Would you look at that my bags are here." She got them one by one and placed them on the cart.

"So, bye!" She bid as she walked away from them, not having ten steps away a hand tugged her wrist and she looked around to see a very happy smile on Zabini's face.

"Would you like to have dinner with me later?" He excitedly announced.

"W-what?" Alexis looked around and caught a very disturbed look on Malfoy's face, and a laughing Theodore.

"I said would you like to go out with me later? For dinner." His eyebrows rising mischievously.

"I-it's not that I don't want to, b-but I still have to look for a place to stay."

"I can fix that. I know a lot of people, and it just so happens I am quite friendly with a manager of a hotel near the place we three are staying at."

Should I or should I not? I mean, this will totally help me right? And what can go wrong? I'm just going to stay at a hotel. So she nodded slowly and looked at Zabini grinning wildly.

"Then we better go and settle you in!"

The hotel was grand, like fairytale castle grand. Oh! And her room, it's humongous! like the whole complete Weasley clan can fit in here and still have more space for others.

"Even Harry with all his galleons couldn't afford this." she whispered sadly.

"What did you say?" Ugh! She forgot Zabini is still here. He asked a very pissed Malfoy and a knowing Nott to go ahead of him, and just bring his luggages to his room while he helps Alexis here.

"Uh-nothing, I just can't spend my money here. I mean, for just one night I think all of my galleons will be gone."

"Don't worry Alexis; I already settled all of your payments"

"What?!" she gasped. 

"Yeah, and you can still have room service all you want, and before you back out on us, meet me downstairs by 6pm and change into something for dinner now." He winked, and walked out of her room, not giving her a chance to say anything.

"Slytherin boys." She shook her head in dismay.

Alexis started unpacking her stuff and got out a piece of parchment and her favorite quill, she started writing to Professor McGonagall on what just happened to her, but then the old lady might get really worried if she let her know. Sighing heavily, she ripped out the paper and started a new one.

Dear Professor,

I just landed, and i just so happen to find a very affordable place to stay quickly. I hope that you all are okay, and don't worry about me, I still am Hermione Jean Granger and I can't be hexed to oblivion that easily.

I plan on finding my parents here, but I still don't think I can put their memories back. I still want to keep them safe.

Take care of the others for me.

I love you all.

See you soon.

Love, Mione


[a/n: I'm back!!! hope you are all glad to hear from me ;) more updates to come. thank you for all who have been commenting me to continue this story and to update soon. I was so inspired, that I quickly typed this chapter. love you all! ♥jaijai]

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