Chapter 10: Love and Planes

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THEY ALL BELONG TO J.K. ROWLING (and I'm happy with that)! 

but the plot is my idea, and other things that belongs to me. 


"How many should I bring?"

Hermione asked herself when she was looking at the opened cabinet in front of her. She was getting her robes from it as she wandlessly floated her other clothes from the dresser to her luggage. This conscience thing inside her is asking a lot of questions again.

"How long will I be gone?"

Another question when she was putting her toothbrush and other sanitation things inside of a pouch.

"Where will I stay?"

Another one while she was filling up the second luggage, she was going away by muggle means, and it's too far to apparate.

"Will I get to see my parents?"

Not that one Hermione, you can't torture yourself like that. You obliviated them remember? You don't exist to them; they don't have a daughter who is a witch. They're perfectly fine on their own where Voldemort can't find them.

"Will I get to see Draco before I leave?"

Oh! Where did that come from?! Ugh! She picked up the book that fell from her hands when that question came. Hermione wanted to, no wait scratch that, she needed to bring all of her books to Australia, and she can't just leave all of these here.

"Why was I going to Australia?"

That's easy, because Professor McGonagall said so. Because I showed Hermione's face in public yesterday. Because I'm no longer safe again. Because Zabini saw Alexis' face in the last place they saw Hermione, they might suspect her also. Because I need to.

"Where is HE?"

I don't know where Draco is. Maybe he's fucking some other girl he met in a bookstore. 

"Do I want to see him?"

Yes I do. Because I-

"Hermione? Do you need some help with the packing?" Ginny said behind the door. She and Luna have been bugging her to stay whenever they can, and she was so tempted to give in, so she can't let them get another chance.

"You don't h-"

"For the millionth time Ginny, I have to, and I want to."

"Is it because of what happened? Or because of Malfoy?" Luna asked, letting her presence known from the outside. Hermione stride to the door and opened it, she looked at each of them, the girls' eyes outside are glassy with tears because she was leaving today.

"Both." she said bluntly.

They entered her room and saw that she was already fully packed and ready to go, they sat down in her bed and Hermione squeezed herself in the middle of them. Oh how she will miss these two girls, her sisters, her girl best friends. They hugged her tightly as she let the tears flow, and they did the same. A couple of minutes passed when the three of them quieted down.

"You are such a drama queen 'Mione!" Luna declared.

"What? Me? You were crying as well! Ginny you too!" she opposed, giving her a light spank in the arm. "Now, both of you drop me off the airport."

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