Chapter 30

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“ I want to go and see my parents.”

“What?” Draco asked Hermione, a brow raised in that moment.

“I want to go and see my parents.” She repeated with more determination.

Hermione and Draco were eating breakfast at the hotel’s restaurant the following day. Draco intended for them to meet so that he can tell her about his flight later that day back to London but Hermione was making it difficult for him to say it, especially with this new request from her.

“Fine. How? Enlighten me.”

“I know their office address. I can go and... get my teeth checked. They don’t know who I am. I can go as Hermione or Alexis.”

“I thought the charm was wearing off? Can you really risk that?”


“You won’t be an emotional sapp-“

“I am not emotional! Nor sappy for that matter!” Hermione glared at him.

“All girls are emotional and sappy.”

Hermione rolled her eyes at him and crossed her arms over her chest. She has to get what she wants one way or another, and what she wants right now is to see her parents, get a chance to talk to them and to make sure they are safe before she leaves tomorrow. She needs it done before sundown so she can get on identifying what is the purpose of the necklace Luna gave to her.

“If you’re not coming with me, it’s fine, I can go by mysel-“

“You’re not going alone.”

“Then I’ll bring Bl-“


“You’re being ridiculous. I need to see my parents, Malfoy.”

“I thought Potter and Weasley were the reckless ones?”

That made Hermione stop for a few seconds. Draco noticed how her shoulders slumped, and how her eyes glisten with unshed tears. He knew it only happen whenever the topic was about those two guys. He never really asked her about them, he tried making fun of them just for old times sake but Hermione always seem to take it as a sign that he never really changed.

“Yes, they were.” She said softly that Draco was almost sure he imagined it.


“They were the reckless ones,” a sad smile appeared on her lips as she reminisced. “Always getting me in trouble with them. No matter how hard I try to stop them, it’s either I go with them or worry about what will happen if I’m not there.”

Draco looked at her and found her love for the two boys so immense to the point that he was sure his blood was boiling Slytherin green with envy. He wanted to punch something because he knows how much this girl in front of him was hurting, maybe even more than he can imagine. So, he stood up, walked towards her, and offered his hand.

“C’mon then Granger, let’s get your teeth checked.”

Hermione looked up at him and smiled appreciatively. She took his hand and let him pull her up. His hand then transferred to the small of her back as he guide her outside the restaurant and out of the hotel.

“Not emotional or sappy huh?” Draco smirked as he hailed a cab for them.

“Shut up.” She said as she tried suppressing a smile. They rode the cab until the driver dropped them off at the dental clinic of her parents.

Draco stared at Hermione as she stopped just before the clinic’s door. He could see the anxiety in her, the way she was biting her lower lip, her arms shaking from clenching her fists too tight, and the way her breathing deepened. His hand moved towards her back as he opened the door for her. He could not imagine why she wanted to do this, why she would want to see her parents knowing they don’t know her, she’s even risking it by not changing to Alexis, but nevertheless, he knows her courage enough that she could go through with this.

I Surrender (A Dramione Story) *ON HOLD*Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora