Chapter 22

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It was dark, very dark, all he could see was the stars up in the sky, but even that haunts him. That eerie feeling he always felt when he was all alone, or when the Dark Lord was around, was lingering in his bones. He kept on walking, there was only one path so he followed that. His wand at the ready, he didn’t dare cast a light for he could be found.

Footsteps. It was there, he could hear it even if it was only a slight patter of the sole of the ones who were following him. He must hurry, but he has to be quiet as well, if only he had his broomstick right now. Pit-pat pit-pat, the footsteps, it’s near, they’re near, Run.

He began running, swivelling side to side on the path just to confuse his followers. He was tired as hell, and he could just pass out any moment. He wanted to give up, maybe just to endure the pain and welcome death. But just that moment when he slowed down, he saw a light at the end of the path, it was calling out to him. It was so enticing, so inviting, so alluring, how could he not run towards it? So he did, he ran as fast as his body could go.

“Draco” she whispered with a smile, and that’s the only thing that got him safe, she was the only one who made his darkness go away.


“Wake up Malfoy” she said.

“What?” his brows met in the middle as he tried to figure out what she just said.

“Wake up, wake up...”

Draco’s eyes suddenly opened and he stared at the brown eyes of one Hermione Granger. His hand instinctively touched her cheek and slightly grazed her lips with his thumb. 

“What are you doing?” She cocked a brow as she stood up and crossed her arms on her chest. “Just get up and get dressed. You said you’d take me to my parents.”

The guy then dazed out for a few seconds and when he realized he wasn’t dreaming anymore, his mouth turned into a smirk and faced her.

“Granger, I know you just can’t wait to hop into my bed, but at least give me time to prepare. Yes, I am naked underneath this covers but I haven’t even brushed my teeth, if you’re into morning breath that’s something we’re going to work on.”

Hermione stood there, her mouth slightly open and her eyes squinted at him, after a couple of seconds she got her right slipper and threw it at him.

“You perverted little mind is so screwed up that it can still imagine those impossible things! And just to clarify stuff, I don’t like morning breath, my parents are dentist for Merlin’s sake, what would they say.” With that said, she stomped off with only one slipper to the man’s balcony and waited there.

Draco slowly went off to his bathroom butt naked while chanting Hermione’s name, making the girl laugh and blushed when she turned around and saw his arse.

“Draco! You get your arse straight to the bathroom! Bloody hell!” she squealed as she turned around.

“If you’ll keep on screaming like that, you better change into Alexis, you’re going to wake up Theo and Blaise.” He warned her.

Half an hour later, Hermione has changed into Alexis and Draco was fully dressed. They went down the stairs and headed for the dinning hall. Alexis immediately saw Frilla, their elf, and she nodded with a smile to the elf.

“Good morning miss.”

“Hello Frilla.”

“She likes you, and if everything goes right, you can have her.”

Alexis scowled at Draco and elbowed him lightly on the chest, making the guy winced and laughed.

“Well, I see that Draco had a good morning.” Theo teased as he put his arm around Draco’s shoulder and nodded at Alexis.

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