Chapter 15: The little girl

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I don't own anything!


[a/n: This chapter is in the 3rd person's view! and this is the longest I've ever written. so comment if you want these kind of chapters or if you want the chapters to be like the previous ones. and I will do as the majority will order. enjoy reading! ♥jaijai]


Alexis tied the letter to her new snowy owl given by Professor McGonagall, she named her Amethyst because the moment she saw the bird, her eyes glinted the same purplish shade at her, thus the name.

She went out her balcony and let Amethyst soar, staring at the bird until it blurred out. It will take a few days before it can reach where she sent her to be.

Alexis fixed herself up and looked at her reflection, she found it odd that she had been looking at herself quite a few times this past months, ever since He-who-must-not-be-named won the war, ever since she changed her appearance, she never looked at a mirror in her own accord. She regretted what she saw, she doesn't know who she is anymore. But these days even if the image shows of Alexis, not Hermione, she's beginning to feel that she is still herself no matter what image she uses, she doesn't know why this is happening right now but it just feels great to the point she is weirded out.

Looking at the clock on her table, she realized it was 5 minutes before six. She's never late for a class, nor late for an appointment, and she's not going to start being late now just because she's Alexis. She sprayed a few puffs of her perfume and headed out, she locked her room both with magic and the standard lock of muggles. She rode the elevator down with no one entering it all the way down.

Blaise was 10 minutes early for their meeting time, he never did this before, he was always 10 minutes late for his date. Why? Because he always hated waiting, even for his own mother, that earned him a few whacks in the head but he never minded because that taught the woman to never be late again, so why was he doing this now for Alexis? He didn't know.

He was about to ask the muggle bartender for a champagne when the elevator opened its doors for one almond-blonde girl. And in that moment, everything stopped for Blaise, there was no bartender, no people around him, no building, just this girl wearing a baby red kind to the point of almost pink colored halter dress that fits at the top yet flows from waist down.

"You've got to be joking me." He whispered to himself, still eyeing Alexis as she walks to him.

"Hey Zabini." She said normally. But in the ears of Blaise it was the sweetest sound he ever heard.

"H-hey..uh.." pull yourself together boy! You're not Slytherin for nothing. But Blaise continued to mentally drool at the sight of her.

"So..where are you taking me?" The young lady said, just eager enough to eat and for this awkwardness to end. She raised her eyebrow to get through to him, she even waved her hands in front of his eyes, but still no response.

"Blaise, Blaise, Blllaaaaaiiiisssseeee, oh for goodness sake! Blaise Zabini! If you don't take me to a freaking restaurant I'll walk out of this date, and this hotel where you'll never see me again!" She exclaimed, putting her hands on her hips, quite copying Mrs. Weasley's stance whenever the Weasley siblings don't go do their chores the instant she said it.

Blaise's eyes almost bulged out of its sockets when Alexis' voice got through to his daydreaming session. He quickly stood up, cleaned his suit, actually it was a move to relieve him out of his current embarrassment, and looked at her having his smirk plastered on his face. He held a hand to her, and she visibly relaxes and places her hand on top of his, earning him a smile from the lady.

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