Chapter 23

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“Where’s Blaise?” Alexis asked when Draco slid in the passenger seat inside the car, she told him she could drive and she will, she’d rather be in a land vehicle than a broom or apparate to wherever they were supposed to go.

“He decided not to join us Granger, now can you get this car, as you say,” he quoted with his hand. “to move, so we can get going.”

“You haven’t told me where we’re exactly going Malfoy, and I doubt that Blaise didn’t want to go” she eyed him.

“He decided not to go, that’s it. Why’d you want him around anyways?”

“It just looked like he wanted to go. So, where are we going?”

Draco then looked in front of him and gulped.

“Do you remember that first time when I saw you here in Australia?"

“What? We were together inside a plane of course you would see me anywhere after that."

“Not as Alexis, but as Granger"

Alexis then scowled, she tried to remember the first time he saw her in that image. She gasped when she remembered their incident, the one when she was in a cab and he was running after her. Consequently, she then was reminded of the reason why she was in that place.

“I also know where my parents are! Damn it!" she exclaimed.

“What?" It was Draco’s turned to get confused.

“I hired a private investigator to find my parents! How could I be so stupid! I have the files in my room."

“Well you don’t need those anymore, you have me."

Alexis looked at the guy beside her and nodded, she then saw Malfoy smirk that famous grin of his like he was so proud of what he just said that it made her roll her eyes.

She stepped on the gas lightly, when the car started moving in a steady speed she heard Malfoy sigh, so she turned to look at him and she caught him staring at her. Alexis frowned lightly and looked away, she focused her sight to the road in front of her but even then she could feel the intense stare of Draco.

“What Malfoy? Is there something on my face?”

Alexis saw a movement beside her and when she turned she saw the end of Malfoy’s wand at the tip of her nose. Her heart began to work three times faster just to sustain blood to her face that was turning pale. In that few seconds, she immediately got mad at herself for believing in the lies of this Slytherin boy.

“What the h-”

“Finite Incantatem” Draco casted. As soon as the spell was said, all the enchanted features in her face was removed and she turned back to Hermione. Draco grinned at her and tucked back his wand inside his pocket, his eyes then glanced at hers. “Eyes on the road Granger, or I’m afraid we are going to crash behind that truck.” He warned without even looking away from her eyes.

Hermione slammed down her foot on the brakes and made them lunged forward as the car halted to a sudden stop a few inches away from the back of the truck. She let out a shuddering breath as she settled back to her seat, her mind was whirling around all the gears it could spin. She gripped the steering wheel a little too hard before turning to face Draco with her glare.

“You could have at least warned me about what you were thinking! You just can’t point your wand at people’s noses and do whatever you want!” the words exploded one by one, and she couldn’t help herself in the end that she smack Draco’s shoulder with the palm  of her hand.

“Well, you just can’t smack people’s shoulders whenever you want!” He spat back while  he rubbed his now red shoulder.

“I had a justified reason to do that”

“Well, I like you more this way, so I have a justified reason to remove that silly mask of yours!”

Silence then engulfed them. They stared at each other, eyes glaring, noses flaring, and cheeks stained with red from all the rages that came out of their lips. They stayed like that for a few more seconds, and without realizing it the stoplight has turned green. The cars behind them started honking, that it made Hermione to be the first one to look away and put the car on 1st gear making it cross the intersection just in time.

Hermione then drove in silence, just doing everything in motions, step on clutch, change gear, step on gas, turn right here, and stop at another stoplight. Her eyes were fixed on the road, and her  hands were firmly placed on the steering wheel. Draco was rigid as well. What would they do? They’re both stubborn as hell. 

They were almost at the food joint where Draco ate, and where he first saw Hermione in the cab. The girl stopped in front of the busy store and sighed.

“Now what? where do I go?” she asked.

“Now you’re talking to me?”

“If you’re not going to help me then get out of my car Malfoy!”

“Say you’re sorry first for smacking me.” he said coolly.

“I would smack you again right now.” she hissed at him.

Draco glared at the girl, she was the only one who could stand up to him, all of the other girls would fall over and roll like dogs in his command, but not her, she would rather growl at him. That’s what he likes about her, that she could challenge him in every way possible, and that there wouldn’t be a single day in their lives that they would bore each other, because he knows that they would argue about every single stuff, that they would compete at every single thing, and he hopes to Salazar that they would end up in bed every night just to sort things out.

“Turn right at the second stoplight, there would be a bakery along the way and you would turn left there. By the end of the road, turn left again, there would be a bridge just up ahead that way, then turn right, the eight house of the second street is the house of your parents.”

Hermione nodded and pursed her lips. She sighed and laid her head at her chair. “Did I really smack you  that hard?”

“The punch during our third year showed your strength more.”

The witch laughed and shook her head lightly, she then stepped on the gas and drove the car at the direction that Draco told her. After a few minutes, she saw it, the house of her parents. She stopped the car on the other side of the road and was about to get off of the car when suddenly her parents came out of the house. First her father, holding the keys to his car and whistling a happy song, Then came  out her mother who locked the house and was following her father to the car. Their hair was starting to grey, and still they were very much in love with each other, her father opened the car door for his wife and after that he himself got inside the car.

Hermione went out of the car and looked at her parents as they drove away, she walked towards the middle of the street and stared at the car until it was out of her sight, until tears came flooding from her eyes. She found them, she finally found them. They were safe, and that’s all she could ever wish for. 

Draco watched the witch intensely inside the car, when Hermione broke down and cry, he went out of the car and stood by the side of the witch. He looked around for people, but no one was outside of their homes. He couldn’t think of something to do to comfort the witch, so he placed his hand on her shoulder and gently patted it.

Hermione looked up at him, her face flushed, and tears were continuously dripping down her chin. Draco felt helpless. He just stood there and stared at her, with his hand on her shoulder. The witch then hid her face at Draco’s chest suddenly, it took the breath away from the guy. He sighed and wrapped his arms around the sobbing girl, and she too hugged Draco’s waist.

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