Chapter 28

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Draco stood there. Panic trembling his fists, causing him to clench and unclench it. Whatever happened broke down the witch before him. He was so sure that nothing can break her down,  she already went through too much, and he has been there most of the time, though on the other side.

He held the witch once already, and it took every courage he had in his body to do it. She was only vulnerable then because of her parents. But now, she’s shattered, and Draco doesn’t know how to comfort this Hermione. He doesn’t know how to pull this stubborn girl back up.

That’s the thing, I can’t pull her back up. She has to do it on her own. She’ll do it no matter what. He thought, so sure about this words running through his head, so sure about Hermione. Draco then went to the bathroom with a mission on his mind : BRING BACK GRANGER.

He started to fill up the tub slowly with warm water, and used up the hotel’s bath bomb to make the water bubble with lovely scents. When it was only about a quarter left of the tub, he stopped the faucet and went back to the still unmoved girl.  He then knelt in front of her and gently wiped the tears away, he was scared that she might lash out on him, though he wouldn’t admit it, but it frightens him more to know that she might never win this war within that big brain of hers.

“C’mon Hermione, snap out of it.” He whispered looking at her eyes.

Hermione knew someone was calling her name, talking to her perhaps, but she couldn’t remember where she was nor hold on to that voice that was calling her. All she can see was Harry and Ron’s face, smiling at her. She tried running towards them but whenever she’s just a foot away from them, the moment she step that final step they’re far off the distance again. And she’s just running, running and running, never catching up to them. In a few attempted glimpses around her, she could see Remus and Tonks nodding at her in acknowledgement, she saw Dumbledore shaking his head, certainly amused with the running girl, and she even saw Fred grinning like an idiot on one side.

She wanted to run towards all of them, but the more she seems to go nearer to them, the farther they get, and when she finally stopped running, she saw them all around her. She was about to speak when Harry took a step towards her, his lips open up and a voice came out of his mouth.

“I'll find you sooner or later mudblood, and I'll torture you and not let you die!” his voice echoed.

Something’s not right. She thought, trying to focus on Harry’s voice, but she knew deep down it wasn’t his. All of a sudden his image shift, blurring, and then finally settling on a new face. Voldemort’s face.

“Mudblood.” He hissed at her.

“Dirt.” Ron stepped forward.

“Filth.” Fred was glaring at her.

“Disgusting. Torture her!” Another image of Harry came behind her as she spun around to see who shouted at her.

“You don’t deserve your magic.” Dumbledore frowned, shaking his head in disappointment.

“Die!” Remus and Tonks yelled.

“Mudblood!” They shouted in unison. All of them walking towards her, chanting that very word.

Hermione shook her head, screaming for them to stop. She covered her ears with her hands, begging for them to go away. She knelt down, trying to hide her face from them, trying to drown out their voices with her shouts.

“Stop! Get away from me! Get away from me!” She screamed as she felt them loom over her in a circle. There was no escape. They were chanting mudblood over and over again.

“HERMIONE!” someone shouted suddenly.

“Bloody hell! Hermione!” someone was grabbing her. She kicked and thrashed, giving her captor a fight. She was not going down without one.

I Surrender (A Dramione Story) *ON HOLD*Where stories live. Discover now