Chapter 11: Start of the Flight

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I DO NOT OWN THE CHARACTERS NOR HARRY POTTER THE SERIES,THEY ALL RESPECTFULLY BELONG TO JK ROWLING (seriously do I always have to write this? Its quite obvious right?haha!) 

But the plot is my idea, and all other stuff that belongs to me. Enjoy! 


Alexis never liked flying, either it's in brooms or cars, and now that she is at the airport, and she is going to be riding one of largest flying transportation muggles have ever made, she thought to herself a joy!

She let out a loud sigh as she stepped in the waiting area before going to the boarding place. Ginny and the others were here with her, while Alexis still charmed her features to look like a pureblood, they were not afraid to let out their real appearances because they doubted that the Death Eaters, and with that Voldemort, will go to a muggle place like this when they have all the floo connections in the world.

Even Mrs. Weasley, Mrs. Finnigan, and Professor McGonagall were here with their real features. All the boys except Neville were done with their goodbyes, so they left Hermione here with all the emotional ones, while they wait outside where the drama is far away.

"Remember dear to eat 3 times a day, every day. If you can handle it make it four times a day. Alright?" Mrs. Weasley reminded her, how could she say no to this woman who is like her mother already? Of course she nodded and she even promised to fatten herself up. She gave her a tight embrace and a few teardrops on her shirt.

"Oh here dear, I made this for you last night. I'm not really sure what the weather in Australia but just in case." She shoved a big blue sweater with a G in the middle of it in Alexis' hands. The young witch smiled at her lovingly and hugged her again quickly.

Alexis turned to the next woman who is Mrs. Finnigan, she was already tearing up when she looked at her.

"Hermione, I'm really sorry, it's our fault you have to leave now. If I haven't forgotten to enchant my face they wouldn't have saw me and followed me to our house. I'm really s-"

"Mrs. Finnigan, we've talked about this already yesterday. I don't blame you, in fact I'm quite happy and excited to go to Australia."

"Yes my girl, I know, but... just take care of yourself okay?" She nodded and gave her a hug, soothing her back in the process.

Now, the next one was tough, because she is like a grandmother to Hermione, and looking at her face now, she knows the war has put more wrinkles in the old lady's face. It was clear that she was tired of all of these, but it has to be done that's why she always has this determination and firmness in her eyes.

"Professor McGonagall..." Tears started to fill her eyes, knowing that she'll be leaving all of them here is like her hiding when they were all fighting. No it's not LIKE that, because it really is just that. She was going to hide, and they were all going to have to try to stay alive everyday while she was away.

"Hermione, shhh..." Her arms encircled the young lady as she started quieting her from her tears. "It's going to be alright, we are going to be okay. You don't need to worry about us. You just have to think that this is your vacation, so make the most out of it okay?" She looked at her almost granddaughter, waiting for her agreement and she did, Alexis slightly nodded her head, not trusting her voice because it might choke in the process. McGonagall kissed the top of her head and gave her a goodbye.

Ginny and Luna were already crying like hell when her plane was said to board passengers already.

"You drama queens." Alexis half sobbed and half laughed when she said that to them, they in return gave her slaps in her arms, causing all three of them to laugh.

"We're going to miss you 'Mione, so you're going to send us owls every day, and I mean it. If you don't send one for a day I'm going to... to... to owl you a lot more until you send me one back!" Ginny exclaimed.

"That's right! And you have to send me those, what you call those things, ah! Card posts! With all the pictures and stuffs! Okay?" Luna requested making Alexis burst out a giggle on what she said; even Professor McGonagall shook her head when she heard it.

"Its postcards Luna! Post cards." She corrected her, making her white complexion turn pink in embarrassment. She laughed again, hugging both of her friends at the same time. "I'm going to miss you two as well."

"Last call to passengers boarding flight 012 to Australia. The plane will be leaving in 10 minutes." An attendant announced can be heard from a speaker.

"I have to go. See you all soon, okay?" Alexis said to all of them, giving them flying kisses and then started to pull her luggages away. After a few seconds, she looked back at them and waved heartily, oh how am I suppose to live without them?

Giving her ticket to the attendant, she carried one bag while her other luggages were in a trolley to be put in another place for bags. She saw the plane outside and her heart stopped for a second, how could something so huge with a lot of people and bags adding to its weight fly like a bird? If that thing crashes the impact would be huge! Oh, stop that Hermione; think positive, think happy thoughts. She continued to walk towards the stairs to the plane and when she took the first step, she reluctantly followed it with another one, and another one, until a guy attendant offered his hand to her and secured her inside the plane.

Her seat was 08b, and each row has six seats divided into two for the path in the middle. She found her seat an-

"Oh my gosh." The words were out of her mouth before she could process them. Making the two guys seated in 08a and 08c look up at her, the first guy near the window eyed her with a confused look in his face, while the other one near her has a smirk plastered on his lips and was eyeing her up and down.


"Green knickers"

Malfoy and Zabini said at the same time, making Alexis' cheeks redder than usual. How could this be happening to me! What did I do to deserve this?

"Green knickers?"

"You know her?"

"Who's this?"

The three of them chorused again, wait, three?  Alexis turned around and saw Nott Jr. sitting at 08d near the path. She literally slapped her face straight on, she just wanted to disappear, she started to walk away but an attendant stopped her.

"Miss, I'm sorry but you have to sit down, the plane is about to take off. Here is your seat I presume. Enjoy the flight." She said forcing her to take the seat in the middle of these two guys that are capable of killing her. The engines started to roar and the buckle your seatbelts sign flickered on. Alexis strapped on her seatbelt and readied herself for the longest and what might be the most torturous flight she will ever be on.

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