Chapter 3: Questions

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09/30/19 Update: So starting in this chapter, it gets really tricky. So I might edit a few things here and there for the rest of the chapters for Alexis-Hermione moments. I'll only use Alexis when she is in her Alexis form, other than that it will be Hermione. Thank you!


but the plot is my idea, and other things that belongs to me. 

Thanks for reading! :) 

"Well, I better go Miss Gaile." Malfoy told Alexis when it was clear she didn't have the guts to continue talking. With that, he turned and leave, his hand ever so smoothly brushed his hair then placed both inside his pockets. But before the door closes he looked back to Alexis' direction and grinned confidently, a chill ran down her spine as he did, making her cheeks redder than usual.

The door completely closes and Alexis slumped back at the nearest shelf on her right. Blinking rapidly, and telling herself to breath evenly, she went to Mrs. Walker's desk and bid her goodbye, giving her extra galleons for her service. Mrs. Walker smiled at her warmly and said "Mr. Malfoy is not like his father, Ms. Granger" she didn't believed what she said but she gave the old lady a nod and got out of the shop. When Alexis reached the nearest apparating point, she got out her wand and flicked it.

A moment later Alexis was in front of their gate, it has been warded with magic and was casted with a disillusionment spell so that if any strangers come across it, it will only look as though part of the forest behind. But in reality, it was a two storey house, painted grey on the second floor outside, and a dirty white color at the bottom. Their roof was the usual maroon color, it was not grand but at least its home, and that's all they need.

Entering the house, a guy quickly hugged Alexis and spun her around, she was about to hex him, but then she saw his face and it was Neville's crooked smile that met her. So Alexis hugged him back, he always smell like the sea, or seaweeds when it's a bad day, she glanced up and saw Luna at the kitchen, cooking something weird for them again. She got out of the bear hug and ran towards Luna who giggled softly when she hugged her.

"Where have you two both been?" She said as she quickly removed the enchantments on her appearance and let her bushy brown haired self free. Hermione glared at the boy when he didn't answer. "You should have been back a day ago!"

"I'm sorry Hermione, w-we got a little held b-back at Seamus' place" he stuttered as he replied.

Her eyebrows hitched up at the name and urged him to continue but Luna was the one who did.

"Seamus is alright Mione" her voice having that light voice "his father is hiding in the basement, I warded it off so that nargles won't be able to spy on them, or steal" she ended in a matter-of-fact tone.

Hermione smiled at them both, and made her way upstairs to tell Ginny breakfast is ready, but Neville suddenly stopped her.

"Where's Ginny?"

"She's upstairs, in her room" the look he gave her said she was wrong, so Hermione ran upstairs and when she came and knocked at the door, no one answered. So she opened the door and gasped, Ginny wasn't there, she looked for her in the bathroom, still not there. So she ran downstairs and looked for her at the room full of our books...

"What's the matter Hermione?"

"Ginny is gone, Neville." Hermione looked at him, and when what she said registered, his features turned from worry to fear. He began running as well to the rest of the rooms downstairs, Luna was upstairs looking through Ginny's things if there was a sign of an intruder, Hermione started writing to Mrs. Weasley, asking if her daughter was there, she tied the parchment at the leg of Luna's owl and watched it as it flew away.

"Nothing." Luna said as she made her way down the stairs, Neville shrugged when he came out of the last room. So where was she?

"I shouldn't have left her." Hermione whispered. Her voice sounded hoarse from the tears that she was refraining from falling. "Not in that state she was in, I'm so stupid." her head went down as she covered her eyes with her hands, Luna grabbed Hermione's hands and guided her to the couch, letting her take a seat, she sat beside her in the couch and started to rub her back.

"It's not your fault Hermione" she said continuously, but her words did nothing to assure the other witch. It was her fault, she thought to herself, she knew Ginny was in a bad mood and yet she still left her all alone this morning just to get her book.

"When you two came back, you didn't see her?" Hermione asked them.

"No, sorry. We thought she was with you. I should have realized she didn't like to go out, nor she had any disguise with her to be able to really go out." Neville answered.

Hermione bit her lip, wondering where could she be, was she safe or was she kidnapped, if she was, how were they able to get in, there were a lot of strong wards Hermione casted, and the disillusionment, oh Merlin, even if they got inside Ginny would have fought, there would be a trace of struggle, but there was none. What if she went out and that's when she got caught, what was happening to her right now, and what really did happen.

These were a lot of questions, and there were no answers. Yet.

[author's note: a clue where's Ginny? none? good. hahahaha! me too! Suggestions, comments, votes, fans are highly acceptable!! ♥jaijai]

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