chapter seven

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"Are you coming out tonight?" Jadon asks while staring down at his phone texting someone.

"No, not really. I want to finish reading my book." 

The other reason is that parties aren't my thing. I went to a few in high school to make sure Jadon didn't do anything stupid to jeopardize his scholarship--his parent's words, not mine. 

My preferred night would be to stay in and read while cooking dinner, and for Jadon, his preferred night is the opposite of that.

"Okay, but next time you should come. It's good to meet some new people, drink, and have some fun." 

I was about to reply that finishing my book and eating a home-cooked meal was just as fun and then I realized how lame that sounded. This is might the reason why I have two friends, as well as excluding all the friends Jadon has because that doesn't count. They're his friends, not mine.

"Sure, yeah next time I'll go," I pick up my book and flip to where I left off.

Jadon's phone buzzes loudly and when he sees the message a grin breaks onto his face. If Parker could see only see this, he would non-stop tease Jadon over it.

"Who's making you smile like that, Jadon?" 

"Oh..." He scratches the back of his neck, "I forgot you were still in here." I grab a pillow on our couch and chuck it at his head. 

"To answer your question it's Crystal," Doesn't this guy realize she's a lesbian yet? It's very evident he has no chance with her. "She wants to hang out with me alongside her friends."

"Nice..." Maybe he's already realized that and sees her in a platonic way. Jadon's accepting and rarely has any hard feelings about being rejected. He moves on as soon as a girl says no.

"Yeah she wants me to meet her uhh...girl she's with, but they haven't slapped a label on it. If that makes sense?" 

"Wait, so did you know about it?" 

"Who didn't?" He says with a shrug, "The first time we hung out she looked at another girl's ass with a little smirk." He chuckles with a reminiscent look on his face.

"My apologies, I just thought you were too oblivious to realize." The corners of my lip pull up.

He smiles broadly before his expression changes in an instant to a deep scowl, "I'm not 'oblivious'. I just have my moments."

"Like two days ago when you walked into a lingerie shop because you thought it was a Michaels Craft store, and it just happened to be selling 'fabric'."

"Look, it's not my fault, the fabric looked bright and pretty," He defends before a cocky smirk slides onto his face, "Also the worker there was nice about the mix-up, she even gave me her number."  

He quickly glances at his phone before grabbing his Jordans and hastily putting them on, "I gotta go right now." 


The moon illuminates the skies and stars as I walk around the park at night time. I needed some air, especially after finishing Pride and Prejudice. It was an extremely great read.

Music blares in my ears from my Airpods. The cold nighttime breeze fans my face while I silently hum along to the lyrics, I observe the lit long-lined tree path, admiring the landscapers' job of perfectly placed flower beds.

Aaron? A name calls inside my head, it's barely there but I heard it. I might be going insane, but I hear it again. Aaron! 

The almost inaudible voice yells again, I turn my back only to be yanked by someone who seems to have put all their strength into that yank.

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