chapter nine part two

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(posted two chapters today, so check the other one titled pt. 1 first so you don't get confused <3  xoxo )


I already know it's slowly setting in by the way my body is buzzing or more like flailing. I put a hand on the counter steadying myself. It's been at least fifteen minutes since I chugged half of the bottle.

My fingers tighten their hold on the counter and my eyes can't seem to stay on one spot for too long, the lights above almost felt blinding... and before I know it I was trying to walk around to get some air because... well...air.

As I navigate to what looks like a sea of people, finally for what felt like a never-ending marathon made it outside.

There's a tiny silver wired bench on the side of the house where you could still hear the buzzing of the music from outside. The air was crisp and the wind assaulted my face like me and the wind were in a fight.

Like it was beating me up.

The wind was winning. 0-1 for the wind.

My eyes seem to lag in any direction I try to stare at.

I stumble on towards the bench before a hand grabs the back of my shirt.

My head is spinning and when I finally snap out of it I see a girl with blondish/light brown hair tied into a ponytail staring up at me with a smarmy coy smile. I can't see her that well.

Oh, man.

"You're quite hot aren't you," She purrs her cold pale hand moving up and snaking it around my forearm. I'm about to tell her to take a hike 'cause I got problems.

But what comes out is...

"Tanks" I respond, placing a hand on my forehead. Everything is so spin-ey.

I can't stare at her nor get a good look at her.

My eyes try to focus on her almost joyous expression like she just realized something about me. The grass almost seems to float like a boat, tilting and moving.

"How about I take you to one of the guest rooms, so we can be alone." Ghost Woman purrs, she grabs my chin tightly turning my head towards her, I let out a small 'oww'. Her nails are like claws maybe we should call her Werewolf Woman.

"Uhh... nooo. I'm kinda good ma'am." I can't control the speed that I can move so when I try to take my hands away from this scary lady.

"No, you should come with me." Her nails dig into my arm giving a tight-lipped smile. It's the kind of crazy smile. Like, come hither or pay the consequences.

Until a sharp voice breaks me out of my dizziness.

"He's clearly almost incoherent, and sweetheart he can't give you consent." A hand unlatches the scary ghost women's paws from me, "So stop fucking harassing him," My knight in shining armour says with a sugary clipped tone.

The ghost lady's eyes snap back and she speeds walks off muttering about something being 'unfair'. Serves her right.

I turn to see a brunette wearing a lacy black tank-top and black leather skirt.


She stares at me with a sheepish smile.

"Did you just give me the nickname 'Ris' even though my name is literally four letters?" She laughs.

I almost fall over, but before I can she steadies me. One hand on my back another hand steadying my arm.

"Wow. That was cool." I voice down to her, her eyes crinkling while she smiles. "You're like really strong and that's attractive."

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