chapter thirty-three

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What the fuck?

A loud beep sound rings out through the room, it causes me to have to fucking crack my eyes open. I rub my eyes, I turn my head to see Aaron asleep.

Beautifully long eyelashes frame his face, and his face is angled to the side. I'd almost get distracted except for the loud-ass blaring of my phone ringing. I grab my phone that's on the ground near my bed and answer the call without even checking the ID.

"Yo..." My voice comes out groggy.

"We're having dinner at my Mom's place in thirty minutes," Alexia's voice rings through the speaker, "I know you'd kill me if I didn't give you a heads up to get ready."

I stifle a laugh, "You know me so well."

"Of course I do, I had to witness all your weird phases." She jokes, I can picture her smug smile through the phone.

"You're breaking my heart here." I clutch my hand to my heart in faux pain.

"So dramatic." She chuckles, "Why don't you and Lover Boy hurry up already, huh?"

I gaze at Aaron, who's still asleep. His hands are underneath the pillow with his head resting on it. He hasn't once stirred since I've woken up. The loud ringing of my phone hasn't woken him up yet.

"Shut up, we're just friends." My response is automatic.

"Whatever you say..." She drawls in a sing-song voice, "See you in thirty minutes, yeah?"

"Uh-huh," I confirmed it to her before ending the call.

Even though Aaron looks so peaceful sleeping, I probably should wake him up.

I put my phone down on my dresser and sat on the side of the bed. Lightly my hand brushes his cheek, back and forth. "Aaron, you've got to wake up."

Usually, if this was anyone else a pillow to the face would suffice, being weirdly gentle with someone is not my go-to. But somehow it would feel weird if I jumped on him. He starts to stir as I pull my hand away from his face. His eyes flutter open, and a small smile enters his face as he stares up at me.

Somehow something in my stomach does a little tumble thing that never occurs with anyone else. Something burning.

I probably should've smacked him with a fucking pillow when I had the chance.

"I'm sorry," He rubs his eyes tiredly, even though there's no need to apologize for falling asleep.

"No worries, I've fallen at the weirdest moments." I brush him off.

"Like?" There's a humorous tone prevalent in his question.

"Under my bed," I start to list off, "At the movies, the cinema's bathroom, school plays, pep rally, waiting for a rollercoaster ride, the volleyball bench..."

"The Cinema's bathroom?" Amusement coats his voice, he bites his full lips trying to hold back a smile.

"Long story." I deadpan not wanting to get into the details. "Dinner's in thirty, at Alexia's house. Just want to give you a little heads up." I changed the subject.

"Oh yeah, your things are in the trunk of my car." He gets up pulling his transponder key out of his pocket, he hatches open my window and the car makes a click sound.

After swiftly grabbing the stuff out of his car, I make my way up the stairs back into my room where I know Aaron is waiting for me. I want to brush my hair, put on a cute outfit, and make myself look a little less 'mess' and add the word 'hot' in front of 'mess'.

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