chapter fifteen

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"Yo," Parker drawls, "Where'd you get the booze? You're not even twenty-one yet." Parker chuckles, taking a seat on our couch.

"Crystal asked one of those sorority chicks to get us some," Jadon replies, who's what seems to be holding is a twelve-pack of Budweiser's. He sets them down on the floor near us. Jadon grabs the remote, putting the volume louder for the NBA game we're watching.

Parker leans down and rips open the side of the box, taking one and using a beer opener. He takes a swig and sighs putting one arm behind his neck as he watches the game.

"Women. Women, women, women." He shakes his head back and forth with a bright grin, "Goddamn, I fucking love women."

"Don't we all," Jadon adds with a smile. Jadon picks up two beers, turning his gaze towards me. "Want one?"

I nod, it's a Friday night and we're watching the game. It's nice to have a small break once in a while. I almost said no, I've been a little more aware of drinking anything lately, even more after seeing the ghost woman again.

But I'm okay. It took a few days to process it, but I know I'm safe. Iris said she'd beat her up. And I don't think she's the type to be 'all bark and no bite'.

We watch the shooting guard on tv have an empty net, the players behind him. They have no clear shot of catching up with him. When the shooting guard goes for the layup he misses. Spectacularly too. It hits the inside of the rim, ricocheting out for a rebound and the other team takes it.

"The fuck? How'd you miss that!" Jadon yells. He's on his knees in front of the TV screaming at it. "Send him back to his junior high school team! This is the fucking NBA damn it!" Parker quickly grabs his phone with a laugh, recording Jadon yelling at the television as if the player could hear him through the screen. I don't doubt for a second this is going to end up on his story.  Jadon's still yelling at the TV when it happened over a minute ago.

"Chill out Jadon." I laugh. "You're not the one playing in this game. Nor it's your team either."

He sighs running a hand through his face, taking a gulp of his beer. Slouching back onto the couch with a grim expression. He's still not over that miss.

"Speaking of games," Parker stops recording, putting his phone to the side. "You coming to my game? We're playing Berkley."

Jadon thins his lips shrugging, " I wasn't thinking of going to see your ugly ass, or watching you get your ass smacked by Berkely either." He's holding back a smug smirk.

Parker scowls, his eyes narrowing at Jadon. "Fuck off." Parker mutters.

"Awww," Jadon bats his eyes, "Don't be mad Mackie... I will be going. Only to support Crystal, because she's performing."

I swear I could see Parker's eye twitch once he heard Jadon call him 'Mackie'.

"I'm gonna get some chips," Jadon announces with a victorious grin.

"What a salty bitch. He's just mad 'cause I'm a starter, while he has to wait till the second period to even get some playing time." He mumbles, drinking his beer.

I mash my lips together, a tiny snort escapes. Parkers head turns, his scowl changing into a smile.

"I heard that shithead." Jadon laughs, popping a bad of salt 'n vinegar chips as he sits down.

"Bro the shit burns your tongue," His face scrunches in disgust, "how do you eat that shit?" Parker shakes his head in disapproval.

"He's right you know," I add. Scrunching my face in disgust after seeing Jadon mindlessly throw a few backs while watching. Parkers right, salt and vinegar chips are disgusting.

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