chapter forty-eight

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"Your parent's event planner did well this year," Jadon remarks through my phone's speaker. "When are you guys arriving?"

"She'll be here soon," I answered.

I would be lying if I said I was not nervous right now. My heart's beating in my chest as I wait for her in the middle of her dorm's parking lot and my car is blocking the entrance into the parking lot.

I heard that the dress-shopping trip Jadon took her on was a success. It was evident by eleven thousand dollars being gone from my bank account the next morning. Jadon might've stressed to her how important what she wears tonight is, but if I'm being truthful I don't care what she wears. She could wear anything, a thirty-dollar dress or an eleven-thousand-dollar dress, and she'd still be the only girl I couldn't take my eyes off of.

"Well come quickly because I'm surrounded by those bitches from high school and I'm losing brain cells by the minute." He mumbles.

How could I forget? The snobs we went to high school with will be in attendance. Truly phenomenal people everyone would love to be around. Note the heavy sarcasm. I'm not in the mood to listen about how surprised they are to meet so many "poor" people at college.

They'll laugh about all the so-called poor people they've met who never grew up with nannies or private yacht parties from their parent's money. The worst part is that they aren't self-aware either, they'll always refer to their parent's money as their money.

I don't want to subject Iris to those people tonight. They don't deserve her attention nor do they deserve for her to listen to them talk for four hours. She's too good for them.

I chuckle, "Good luck with that..."

My sentence dies like flowers in a harsh winter. My laughter ends immediately when the door opens. My pulse thrashes against my skin. I have to keep unclenching my jaw from the wait.

You know that feeling when you're holding your breath underwater for so long and you can't take it anymore? That feeling when you emerge from the water, and the air is so crisp, so refreshing that you can't help the way you take in all the air?

She's my air. And I can't help the way I take her all in.

Iris walks out and all I can hear is the beat of my heart against my chest. My jaw goes slack at the first glance I get at her. My eyes drop from her face all the way down to the shoes she's wearing. She's wearing a black gown, and it sticks to her body, to every perfect part of it. Thin top straps hold it up with a slight plunge that showcases her chest, dark material clinging onto the dip of her waist and holding onto the curves of her hips which are more prominent. Her tall high heels make her legs appear like they've gone on for miles.

And my God, her face. Her achingly beautiful face. Her face that artists would obsess over for days, they would obsess over how to do her justice because anything other than perfection would mean that they failed.

I can't believe I'm hers. I shake my head slightly, is she real or am I dreaming?

"Aaron?" Jadon calls out from the other side of the phone and I realize I haven't hung up on him.

"Bye." I end the call immediately, putting my phone in my suit pocket.

My feet move on my own to her, to my Darling, my Iris. That eleven thousand dollar dress was the best purchase under my name ever made.

She stands near the steps with a smirk gracing herself. I bound up two of the steps and stopped before the last one. The step where she's currently standing. She's wearing very tall high heels, and even when she stands one step higher than me, she's still not taller than me.

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