chapter sixteen

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"Gameday!" Alexia shouts with a low voice trying to intimidate some of the drunk guys we saw yelling about the football game today. She throws her hands up wildly imitating football fans when the kicker makes a field goal.

"Stay still," I scold her. I'm curling her hair and with one wrong move I could end up burning her with a curling iron. Personally, it's not the way I would like to start my day. I section off a piece of her pink hair and wrap it around the iron.

Almost everyone at UCLA is going to the game against Berkley, I think it's like some rivalry-- even more so now that a lot of college football fans are saying UCLA has a really good chance of winning a conference title.

Last year they got knocked out by Arizona, it was a pretty close game too. They only lost by a few points by a field goal in the last two minutes.

"So you excited?" She asks with a coy grin.

"Why would I be excited?" I answer, focusing on her hair. "Other than the Nachos and Sprite." Seeing Aaron too, but I won't say that part out loud.

Alexia groans loudly, "Umm... Zack Cartier? He's playing, did you not remember that thick skull of yours." I finish the last section of her hair. Unplugging the curling iron I set it down. I slightly frown hearing her say this.


She turns around and faces me, her brows knitted together. "You haven't really talked to Zack lately." She playfully nudges me, "It's just weird since you two are close."

My mouth drops a tiny bit from hearing her say this. "We hung out at that party a little more than a week ago." My tone has a little more bite than intended too, but I can't wrap my head around what she means by that.

"Hey, hey, hey." She puts two hands up in defence, "Look I'm just saying." I stay silent for a split second, she doesn't utter another word either.

"Sorry." I apologize, I shouldn't have gotten so defensive about it. It's not like I'm purposefully not hanging out with him, it's just been busy. Plus, I hung out with him and danced at the party.

Alexia strolls over to my small drawer filled to the brim with clothes, after shuffling through it for a good minute and a half she pulls out a jersey.  Damn, I need to actually do I deep clean of that shit. I need to make a mental note to make it way more organized.

She pulls out a blue and gold jersey with the last name Cartier painted on the back in white. It's the one Zack gifted to me when I broke the news to him that I got into UCLA.

"You should wear it." She suggests with a shrug.

I nod grabbing the jersey, I take off my shirt switching the one I'm wearing for our university's football jersey. My hair was already done in braids from last night and I'm too lazy to redo it or take 'em out.

I wonder what Aaron's going to wear. Maybe a t-shirt to show off those corded muscles, is he wearing his rings, does he always wear them?

I straighten out the jersey, checking myself out in the mirror.

"Crystal must be shitting her pants. I mean Nadia's going to see her cheer." I joke with a small laugh.


Holy shit.

I wasn't wrong. This place is literally so crowded. Like actually to the brim.

"This place is so crowded this might make me claustrophobic." Alexia mumbles. I couldn't have said it any better. Theirs a sea of students all trying to get into Rose Bowl stadium. So many people decked in dark navy jerseys, while UCLA students decked in baby blue and yellow.

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