chapter nineteen

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I woke up this morning as every person should be. How should every be woken up someone might ask? With a slap on the face.

Well not intentionally of course. Iris and I couldn't even finish Whiplash, we were both out three quarters into the movie. We both had an exhausting day yesterday.

In the morning Iris' hand slapped me in my face,  she didn't mean to but she was turning around. It elicited a groan of pain from me and her eyes snapped right open. She apologized, but it was fine. I don't mind, if I'm being one hundred percent truthful I got a great sleep. A really good one actually.

Iris' bed is warm and welcoming, and it has the scent of vanilla, strawberries, and coconuts. I've never been a big fan of strawberries or coconuts but now I think I might be.

I stayed for breakfast, then left. Her roommate was still sleeping when I left. The one with bubblegum pink hair. 

I'm still in her clothes, I didn't realize I left my clothes at her place until I was way too far gone. When I left I didn't go back to my apartment, instead, I walked back to my childhood home. Have you ever tried walking through a gated community? It's awful. I'm lucky I always keep the keycard in my wallet for the fixed entrance and checkpoints or else I would've been in a fix.

"Good day, Mr. Hendrix." The day shift guard waves me.

Walking on those perfectly paved sidewalks was something else, it was like the opposite of nostalgia. It wasn't wistfulness of the past missing it or reflecting on it with happiness.

This place is exactly what you imagined rich people in L.A's houses are like. Humongous. So much space for just a few people. They're so big, it's almost a waste of space and money to have. But the people here can afford it, just like my parents can. They can afford to have a giant house without barely ever living in it.

The money could have been given to better causes, but they'd rather it be used for them than someone who actually needs it.

The more I walk, the more the houses get bigger and bigger. I can't judge the rich people who have big houses with very few people, in fact, those kinds of people are exactly how you could describe my parents.

Extravagant. That was what you could describe everyone in this neighbourhood's house. Perfectly cut lawns, but not by them but by their personal cutter, flowerbeds arranged with the most expensive flowers you can find. Stone walkways, that were imported from a foreign country thousands of miles away from here.

These are all very normal things for me and the people who live here. It's peaceful and serene, I should've enjoyed it more. It takes a long time to get to my house. Scratch that. It doesn't take a long time to get to my house by car. My car should be here around one-to-two business days.

It's was being shipped across the country from New York to L.A. I left my car back in New York when I was there for a week and a half in the Hamptons for the Fourth of July specifically for the White Party. Tons of famous celebrities, models, millionaires/billionaires, and athletes were all there. It's thrown by one of my father's close friends on his forty-nine million dollar estate.

My father and mother couldn't attend due to being in Lyon, France for the summer. So I didn't see them this summer either. That's okay, they were working. I don't blame them.

My house was close to the end of the street, where they're extremely big and don't have a lot of neighbours nearby. When I made it to my house, it looked exactly the same. Nothing's changed. The grass is perfectly cut by our lawnmower which comes three days a week at 6:00 am to trim it. Our Gardner comes by and waters the flower bed, few times a week Liana, my housekeeper would employ a few charwomen to clean all the empty rooms.

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