chapter twenty-six

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Walking to the football house has never been so hard.

Although I guess we have to count the fact I'm pretty buzzed. Crystal and I are the luckier two than Alexia. Alexia's walking in these knee-high boots with high-ass heels, courtesy because Draculaura wears them in her outfit.

Don't get it twisted, Alexia looks like a fucking knockout. Her dyed pink hair really ties the whole costume together, I'm glad that she found something that goes with her pink hair.

We'll probably meet up at the party. By 'we' in the 'we'll' I mean Aaron and I. And also Jadon and Parker. Does that make sense or am I a fucking dumbass?

You know I mentioned I'm pretty buzzed? Crystal's on a whole level of buzzed. Basically drunk, the alcohol we had earlier is really starting to kick right in for her. I didn't have a lot to drink but Crystal did.

I have a sneaking suspicion it has to do with Nadia.

I know maybe I'd been a little harsh on their relationship, secretly hoping Crystal finds someone that will make her happy. And also hoping Nadia will find someone else to be happy with as well. Mostly Crystal, as my loyalties lie with her.

But I don't know shit about the relationship behind closed doors or any of the super 'TMI' details. Crystal's like a fucking clam when it comes to their relationship. Shut closed. And what she does tell us is very limited.

And I'm not going to try to take advantage of her being drunk by grilling her about her relationship. Alexia would definitely not approve of being pushy with her. She'll tell me when she's ready.

But for now, I got to look out for Crystal at the party. Keeping my eyes on her. That's a rule with us. Fuck around all you want but your friend's safety always is number one. And we've all stuck to the rule.

Yes, I did as well.

"Fuck," Crystal grabs my wrist for support to keep walking straight. The alcohol is really starting to affect her balance.

"You good?" I ask her.

"You want us to take a break, and let you take a breather?" Alexia offers.

Crystal's probably the most likely to not need a breather doing anything active-related out of all three of us. She's the university cheerleader after all.

"Nah, we need to go to the party!" She whines, "If we keep at this pace we'll make it to the footy house at nine AM in the morning."

Okay, well that's that.

"Isn't footy like Australian?" Alexia's nose scrunches in confusion on why Crystal called it 'footy'.

"I thought it could also be another word for soccer since they call it football everywhere else other than here?" I replied.

"Whatever you guys say." Crystal brushes off our questions about footy and whatnot. "Fucker, fricker same thing, yeah?"

I think by the words fucker and fricker she means like her own version of 'potato' and the way some people pronounce it as 'potatoe'. So like 'potato, potatoe'. Does this even make sense or am I being fucking stupid?

I turn to Alexia, "Who's worse while drunk me or Crystal?"

It's definitely Crystal.

"You." They both say in unison.

"What?" I counter in disbelief.

"Girl you're ten times worse when you've got too much tequila in your system," Crystal points at me except she pointed at the tree that is behind me instead of me.

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