chapter forty-six

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Lazily, I rest my head on Aaron's couch. I just finished two assignments and studied for five and a half hours for finals week. All I have to say is: fuck my life, I'm exhausted.

Aaron helped me study but it wasn't what you think it was. It wasn't that kind of tutor session, much to my disappointment and he actually made me learn shit.

Two fucking thumbs down, but also it was really helpful too. I've studied my ass for two of my courses and I have to study for one more. And I actually feel pretty good going into finals week.

Aaron's showering right now without me because Jadon's here in and in Jadon's words, 'Good for you guys getting some, but please don't fucking scar me. I don't want nightmares of hearing my best friend getting sucked off.'

So that was off the table real quick.

Speaking of the devil, Jadon stands in the kitchen and pours himself some green healthy juice. He winces in disgust when he brings it up to his mouth from the smell. The healthy green juice probably smells like dandelions and grass. Which is the exact opposite of my personal choice of juice.

"So, Iris, are you ready for the Charity Gala coming soon?" He takes a sip from the mug.

The Gala date is approaching sooner and sooner, and I haven't really thought about it that much. I know how important it is for Aaron though, it always seems to be lingering in his head.

If I had to guess I think it has to do with his parents coming. I don't think he's seen them in a long, long time and I have never even met them.

Alexia mentioned to me once or twice that you should try and make your boyfriend's parents like you. So I've only been focusing on that part and I'm pretty confident I'll be okay.

"Kind of." I shrug nonchalantly.

His mouth drops open, "What do you mean 'kind of'?" His eyebrows raise and he lowers his mug on the counter, "This event is huge, most people who attend plan every single detail of their outfit months in advance."

"They do?"

"A ton of affluent and famous people will be attending, including the press. It's a formal event with a black tie dress code." He explains, "And Aaron's parents are very... fastidious, and even extremely rich people try to impress them."

"Fastidious?" I raise an eyebrow at his wording.

"Your little boyfriend has taught me a word or two in his time." Jadon shivers to himself like it pains him to admit this fact. "Like I was saying, not to scare you, but do you have a dress for the occasion?"

"I was thinking of something in my closet." My voice goes a little higher at the end, watching the way his lips purse in disapproval.

Something in my closet my ass. I don't really have anything that qualifies for a 'black tie'. I've got only one type of dress in my closet and those are what I like to call my hooker dresses.

He sighs, placing a hand on his forehead, "The dresses you have in your closet might give one of those old heads a heart attack. And no offence, but a sixty-dollar dress won't be due for this situation." Well, he fucking called me out. Jadon continues, "Especially for the people who'll attend and even more so because you'll be with Aaron."

"Why would it matter even more because I'm with Aaron?" I tilt my head.

"Aaron's last name is slapped onto this charity event, and all eyes will probably be on him." He clarifies and then gives me a look of pity, "You know how Aaron is. He's quiet and people see him as mysterious because he barely makes public appearances. He doesn't realize it, but people are into that kind of shit. Plus, he's loaded. So naturally, people are interested in him and who he brings to this event."

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