chapter forty-five

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The sun's blazing for December weather and my dog Sawyer even thinks so. It's odd to think about it while I walk on the sidewalk of the street I grew up in. This place is eerily perfect all the time, but in reality, it's the dozens of workers who keep it in shape every morning before dawn.

Sawyer stops, his puppy legs needing a break from the walking momentarily. A running group of middle-aged women pass by. It was sort of like those mom groups I've heard Jadon mention, Jadon swore to me once in high school that secretly they were possessed.

I wouldn't notice the mom squad usually, except now I have to pretend I never heard them comment about 'that hot young boy with the dog over there.'

Thankfully Sawyer seems right about in shapes while I speed away from the Mom Squad.

When I pass my house there's the sound of a door opening, footsteps as well as... animal noises?

"Aaron!" I turn my head to see Jadon yell while he runs through his front yard toward me.

Sawyer's tail wags crazily in response to seeing Jadon. Jadon leans down and scratches Sawyer behind his floppy ear.

"Is there a reason you chased me down at nine in the morning in duck slippers?" I ask, eyeing the bright yellow duck slippers that make a 'quack' sound with every step he takes.

"Fuck yeah I do." A huge grin breaks onto his face. Jadon has always been a jovial dude, but right now he looks the happiest I've ever seen him. He looks even more gleeful than when he accepted an offer from UCLA to play D1.

"What is it?" I can't help but slightly smile at his jocular expression.

He's always been in this constant state of happiness since we were children. It's why people flock to him like flies to honey. His go-with-the-flow nature calms others.

"I think I'm going to be drafted to the NBA by the end of the school year." His voice almost cracks by how fast he speaks. He's bouncing around, gesturing expressively and his elation has no parallels.

"Congrats man!" I dap him up. It's been his dream ever since we were young boys.

The long hot summer days rush back and when our days consisted of him shooting free throws for hours, I read famous basketball players' biographies instead.

This is huge for him and well, it's expected. He has the top points in his conference as a rookie right now. He'll probably beat the record for most rookie points by the end of the season if he's healthy. NBA teams must be salivating at the mouth just watching him play.

"Thanks, Bro. But it's not confirmed yet, I still need to show up for the March Madness tournament to put my name on the map." He nods.

"So if you do get drafted, you're going to be leaving us all behind in the dust?"

"Seeing your sorry-ass would just make me feel better about myself and my therapist says I need to control my ego." He nods.

Even though Jadon jokes about his huge ego, he's pretty modest about his achievements. Sometimes, even downplays himself when he shouldn't at all.

"But on a serious note, look at us." He points between us back and forth, "Growing up and doing meaningful shit. You're in love with Iris and I'm playing my best basketball."

My mouth dries, "Where did you hear that?"

It's a truth that I've locked deep inside of me, I haven't uttered the words to a single soul, not even myself. I haven't racked my brain through it properly. Though every time I'm with her, I feel the urge to say it. To tell her.

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