chapter forty-two

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Mornings have become one of my favourite parts of life recently.

Even though they're often short-lived because we have to rush to our classes later in the day, I enjoy these mornings eating breakfast with Aaron.

Every morning he reads a novel while drinking tea, his eyes glazing over each word one by one. His attention is stolen, but every few minutes he glances up at me and sends me a sweet grin.

There's a way his eyes soften when he does look over that makes me love mornings. Although in my heart I will forever be a 'fuck mornings' type of girl.

"Is the food okay?" He references the smoothie bowl he made me with the fancy-ass blender he has. That shit has to cost at least two hundred dollars, and the way it blends is so damn impressive.

I nod, swallowing down the last of the smoothie bowl.

Another reason why I've woken up so damn early is that I've got a pol-sci test today. Aaron stayed up with me last night to help me study. He took the time to make flashcards for me, we sat down with boxes of takeout and he tested me for hours. I like to think now I've got my notes melded into my brain by a professional welder.

"Thinking about your test today?" Aaron asks, putting his book down.

"I'm just thinking about how I will crush it."

He chuckles. "That's my girl."

My heart warms from his words, and I try to brush it off like it's nothing at all. We haven't even talked about what are we, so I don't want to think too much of it.

 "Well it's in my blood to do well in this type of stuff, my dad's a lawyer too."

He hums in agreement, taking a sip of his tea. In the morning he always looks so peaceful, I mean he always is peaceful. It's nice to live in a small bubble of peacefulness with him.

In contrast to being just by myself, my life is always messy and chaotic.

"I'm curious, are you going to follow in his footsteps post-undergraduate?"

I hesitate for a moment, and I'm sure he notices too. My major is pol-sci. No doubt in my mind that my goal is to graduate. Even though I'm all for having a fucking amazing time and partying, my dad's paying money for me to attend. So over my dead body, I won't come out without a degree. Then after that, I'll attend law school for three years and then do the bar exam. That's sort of the over-arching plan I've imagined for myself.

Looking toward the future is a scary thought, things might change, but I think I'm strong enough to get through it.

"Probably. But like...I don't know." I admit, "I wanna do something that will directly benefit people. It's a thought I've had in the back of my head, I want to help people but maybe not just in a legal sense."

"I understand." He nods, "It's similar to the way my family has this foundation where they fund different charities." I had no clue about it, I mean I research the company and all, but mostly I skimmed through the Wikipedia version of it.

"What about you? I know your family has a company, so what are you going to do after college?" I want to pick his brain, it might sound nosy of me to ask but I can't help it. It's an impulse issue.

"Run it." He answers simply, there's no pause between my question and his answer.

"You're going to run your father's company?" I tilt my head to the side trying to read him. "Nothing else you wanna do?"

"No, this has been my path since I was born." There's a sureness in his voice when he speaks, "Since the day I turned ten my parents have sent over many people to prepare me for it."

"Yeah, but like what do you want—"

"Iris," The corners of Aaron's lips pull up into a smile, "I assure you, I'm not being forced into it. I'm not against it at all, in fact, I enjoy doing what my father does. I just don't like some of the... social activities that come along with it."

"So you like prancing around in a tailored suit doing business-y stuff and thinking you're hot shit?"

Aaron lets out a laugh, though he tries to cover it desperately with his hand. "I'm not sure if there's a right answer to your question."

"No, there probably isn't."

His eyes are shining, wearing a smile so bright and wide.

Mornings are pretty cool.


an: short 'n sweet. but be ready 'cause y'all are in for it. - LeLe

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