chapter twenty-four

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As soon as I enter my dorm after my long lecture and night with Aaron, I see Alexia and Crystal hanging out with Jadon.

They're all cramped on our tiny table, which as I mentioned is only really fit for two people, but if you squish into it can fit like three and a half people. Now that's what I call smart living.

It's not surprising that the three of them are cramped at the table, other than the fact Jadon is a six-foot-five D1 rookie basketball star who can fit there, it's the fact of what they're doing.

In front of them is a whole ass bag full of yarn and they're... knitting.

Jadon's sitting, his tongue peeking out of his mouth concentrating on knitting and talking to himself while he sits and knits. I caught some of the shit he saying like 'Calm yourself Jadon through the hole, through the hole.' and other things like 'fuck...these grandmas who do this shit are hardcore.'

"Oh hey, Iris!" Alexia greets while she knits what seems to be a bucket hat with pastel green yarn.

Jadon grunts for what I believe is his version of 'hello' since this guy is so concentrated on knitting, while Crystal snickers at Jadon's greeting to me.

"Hey guys, what are you knitting?" I already know Alexia's knitting a bucket hat, she's been salivating for pastel knit bucket hats on Pinterest like a dog waiting for its next meal.

"A scarf, I'm hoping Nadia will love it." Crystal replies with a dreamy tone.

My eyebrows raise at her saying this, I guess Crystal went back to Nadia even after the whole bathroom situation. I never thought she'd forgive her, like I know it's a little thing. But to Crystal showing support is huge, plus the fact she blew her off to hang out with her friends while not telling Crystal is kinda shitty.

But alas, I've got no room to judge.

I do catch Jadon rolling his eyes at hearing this, I assume Crystal told Jadon about what happened. I don't think Jadon is Nadia's biggest fan.

Jadon liked her at first but his loyalties lie with Crystal always, they look out for each other.

I mean I loved her when she first introduced me to her, but her hurting Crystal? But, now? I'm not so sure, especially knowing Crystal's past even though Crystal barely mentions it.

"I'm making a scarf too," Jadon informs me, "More like a bit more than a dozen of scarves to be exact, each for my many lovely ladies who let me come in and out of their palaces."

Jesus Christ. I can't help the loud guffaw that escapes my lips. He's almost a bigger player than I am, "It's the dedication that counts, right?"

"Fuck yeah," He hums in agreement.

I watch Crystal give Jadon a little nudge in the shoulder and Jadon grunts in faux pain. It might be possible that Crystal actually hurt Jadon counting the fact that she's five-foot-ten.

But she doesn't have Alexia's superhuman hulk grip or pinches. Like seriously one pinch from Alexia and you'll need to have your heart rate monitored and an IV in your arm for at least two weeks.

"How was your day?" Alexia asks, her pink hair pinned up into space buns with two wispy strands framing her face.

I had a great day today, but yesterday? Not so much. I lay my shit down on the ground, do I answer truly or do I keep this friendly? Because If I'm being honest I had a shitty day yesterday until Aaron showed up. Probably in my top ten worst days of my life, but nowhere near the actual worst day of my life. But still pretty awful.

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