chapter eleven

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Thank fuck, Alexia's thing got extended to the night, 'cause I don't want her ass going ham on me after seeing me walk back with a whole ass man back to our dorm.

Her eyes would've popped out of her sockets, knowing full fucking well I never, and when I say never I mean fucking never bring a guy back to my dorm. I have a strict 'no-dick' at my place, never ever do I hook up at my place. Way too fucking personal, messy, exhausting as fuck, they might ask to stay over, etcetera ...etcetera, shall I go on?

But here we are, Alexia would've probably knocked me out and had a full FBI ass shit investigation. Probably stalking Aaron's social media and giving me an in-depth analysis or some shit.

Hey, there's the first time for everything right?

We walk back side by side, talking about everything and nothing. I learned that he's an only child, if there was one musician he'd choose to listen to for the rest of his life it would be Chase Atlantic, his favourite movie is Whiplash 'cause he thinks the acting is really good and almost scary. He also has a dog named Sawyer which is an Entlebucher mountain dog, and Sawyer's two years old.

Standing in front of our door, I don't know what to say. It's 8:00 pm, we're standing in an empty hallway just the two of us in silence.

"I feel like I've said this like two thousand times but thank you, Aaron." I smile softly, we lock eyes and I notice how baby-blue they look under the lighting, they're quite pretty like jewels. My eyes greedily roam over his features the dark eyelashes, the perfectly straight nose and full lips.

"I feel like at this point the phrase 'thank you' has been said so many times by each of us that we should make a challenge about how long you can go in a day without saying it." My mouth twitches at his joke. His gaze flickers at the door and for a split second, I swore I could see that smallest hint of sadness?

He tilts his head with a small smile, "I'm sorry for keeping you long, you probably want to do something else." Oh man, how wrong you are Aaron, you missed the mark by a mile. I could stay and talk for quite a while. Well to you of course. You're one of those people, which makes others feel like they could talk to you about anything and so much more.

"You're not keeping me, Aaron."

"Yeah but it's late." He genuinely looks guilty while scratching the back of his neck. Does this guy really think I go to sleep at 8:05 p.m? You could probably catch me in my room at 3:30 am raging over fucking losing a Mario Kart race on my Switch.

I fish my keys out of my pocket, and swiftly open the door. I would argue but this guy literally got plastered yesterday and I would think he had a hangover yet was nice enough to let me accompany him and support his friend at his basketball game.

I stand half inside my dorm leaning on the door frame, "Goodnight Aaron." I half-wave.

"Sweet dreams." He says softly.


DM's amongst DM's flood my Instagram notifications.

Hey Iris, I really enjoyed our time. Wanna go on a date sometime? Was probably the most common one or at least variations of that depending on how they text.

Like, haven't you heard about my reputation? That stuff is not exactly my style and shit.

Honestly, why do people expect something more or get a date through a one-night stand? It's called a one-night-stand for a reason.

I continue to scroll through the DMs, almost all of them I can't recognize but half of them I've been with and half of them are trying to be on the long list of people I've slept with.

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