chapter fifty-two

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You know how people have said—screamed would be a better word— about how much they adore Christmas?

I never exactly understood why? I could get any gift I wanted easily, and to me they never really meant anything.

The gifts were bought with a copious amount of money, and a lot of the time they were things that I didn't even need.

I spent most Christmases alone, holing up in my room reading books and pretending it was just another day.

I pretended it was just another day when I was in class hearing classmates boast about what their parents got them: trips, designer clothes, anything they desired.

And every time they spoke I tensed, forcing myself to focus on my book. I wasn't jealous of their gifts— not to sound arrogant but why would I have all that and more? My family in dollars is worth way more than they or their parents could even dream of.

But I was envious, they had something I wanted. They had a family who cared enough to get them the presents they wanted. Their parents thought about their child and it's something I desired—dreamed— of experiencing.

And Christmas was a symbol of that. They never showed up to our house to celebrate, they only showed up for the Charity Gala.

But now? A day after Christmas. I suddenly love Christmas. I love her. I love Iris.

Shock, surprise, or whatever you want to call it coated my tongue when I opened the gift she got me.

I didn't even expect a gift, and I honestly don't even care for one. Iris is good enough to satisfy me as a gift for every Christmas.

Nevertheless, she handed me one. I opened it. I savoured the way she thought about me and that she got something for me. Because in truth, having someone think about you is a privilege a lot of people fail to realize.

And then I opened it, I opened the book. It was so personal, she wrote about the days when we were together and I was reading. She wrote down what happened on those days from her point of view.

It was the greatest thing I've ever received. Someone could've given me a gift worth a thousand dollars but it wouldn't have been half as meaningful as this. Memories, moments tied together with quotes from books I love. From someone I loved.

Money may elevate your lifestyle, and it'll give you a better quality of life. That is true. But on your deathbed, you'll be remembering all the things you did with the people you love. And suddenly for you at least, money doesn't matter when you're about to succumb to death.

And I recognized that a long time ago. I don't think I would have if I wasn't alone. I wasn't just alone but lonely.

If not for that I would've been chasing it with money. And I don't blame others for doing the same. I have the luxury of comfort not many will ever experience.

Iris was out with her friends, going to a diner to eat together before we left together for San Bernardino.

I liked that a lot actually. I liked that she knew that regardless of our relationship, she was still her own person. And that she could hang out with her friends because she wanted to.

I was still at my house, and I knew Jadon was not at our shared apartment or at his home. He was out partying with Parker at some Frat house.

Liana is in the kitchen, reading a magazine while lunch is brewing in the pot. We let our chef go home for the day to spend some time with his family, it would be cruel to ask him to cook for us while he's away during the holidays.

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