chapter ten

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Well, wasn't that an interesting night?

I sit on my bed aimlessly scrolling through my phone, although I'm mindlessly doing it. I've been thinking about last night since this morning.

Crystals have been joking with me, non-stop saying that I'm not the type to take care of a guy, I'm the type to dump you and runoff.

She isn't wrong, but not when it comes to something like this.

You're radiant Iris. So radiant.

That small sentence has been replaying all day.

Sure, he said did say that sentence when he was basically drugged and incoherent. But, those five words made me feel warm inside. I've never been complimented like that, not once. The surprise I felt hearing that was sort of the surprise I felt when I heard Zayn left One Direction.

Very surprised.

The countless men in the past who I've talked with always said similar things, "I love your body", "You're so fucking hot.", "Your ass.", or "Your boobs are great." It was always about my body, lust. That's a good word to describe it.

I do understand that hooking up is like that, and shouldn't expect much more, but it makes  me feel almost disgusted when I hear constant compliments about my body only.

A knock on my bedroom door pulls me away from my thoughts immediately, Alexia is standing at the door, her pastel pink hair pulled up into a tight half ponytail. She's wearing a small little black dress with a squared neckline. My best friend looks fucking amazing if I do say so myself. Wait a minute. That's the dress I wore in my semi-formal for my senior year of high school.

Her little smirk on her face tells me all I need to know.

My little fuckin' clothing thief.

I would complain but it suits her better in all honesty. My boobs look like they'll topple over and flash someone in that dress.

"So... I'm going out." She gestures to her outfit

"I can tell," I shoot her an amused smile, purposefully looking her up and down. She narrows her eyes at me squinting like she's in deep thought before she snaps her fingers and points at me.

"By the way, I was trying to clean up a mess in the kitchen but realized we have no napkins so could you snag some from Rizzos? They're super soft, just run in their steal a few dozen and hop out of there."

"Don't worry I'll snake some before they can even notice."

We take turns stealing toilet paper and napkins from various places. First of all the toilet paper here in the public washrooms feels like sandpaper on my ass. Like, I'm dragging that shit across my asshole, and it hurts so bad. And, like other places have better toilet paper. Better quality too. I mean they're putting them out for free, why can't we take them?

Plus we can use the extra money we save to buy clothes.

It's a win-win situation for everyone.

"Hey, could I use your gold plated necklace? It goes with the dress." Alexia asks.

I get off the bed and curtsey gesturing to her to come along like a butler, "Be my guest." She giggles, strutting to my desk and rifles through my small jewelry collection finally finding it.

"So are you doing anything today?" She asks, clasping the necklace with ease like she's a total pro at putting necklaces on.

"Yeah, I'm going to a basketball game." When Aaron asked me last night I had a few silly thoughts. As much as would like to say there was none, there was a voice nagging in my head saying, he's asking me this for something. To do something. To get something. Whether it's physical, verbal, or emotional.

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