chapter twenty

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I'd still not managed to 'tell' Alexia about what the fuck was my friendship with Aaron was.

I had guy friends, but none she never knew about. I wasn't hiding it from her I swear. But I can see why she might get curious, she might've thought I was hiding him from her or that I had some feelings or some shit. But no, we just never got around to it. So yeah.

Today is a good day, a great day even if I do say so myself. I had a fucking great weekend, and it's one of those days that you wish you could live over and over again. Except for the Rizzo's part. Great food, but not so great vibes.

I'm not overjoyed to go to my classes today but whatever, we're going anyway. I'm paying for my education so I'll sure as hell do my best and go to it. Well, my dad is actually paying for it but it's like the same thing anyway.

Going to class was easy, I sat next to Mel as usual, I even waved to Drew. But Sienna wasn't here and our lecture was already starting. Fuck, I wonder if she's okay?

"Where's Sienna?" I whisper to Mel.

I love Mel's 'look' today. She's wearing heavy eyeliner all-around her eyes, her braids have this dark blue ribbon weaving in them that compliments her perfectly. She looks hot, and I know she knows that she does.

"No clue," She whispers back her brows pulling down, "I thought maybe you knew, I haven't heard anything from her."

We snap back in our positions as soon as the teacher turns around. Fuck, today's an important lesson and she's missing it. I most definitely need to fucking focus so I can take good notes and give her mine.

Sure, she got on my nerves but she was just being a little stuck up. Right? We all are asses sometimes, we can't help it we're human. It's as simple as that. Plus, I'm not going to throw my friendship away or leave her after one little bump. Or vice versa I don't think she'd leave me after one little bump in the road either.

We're about halfway through the lesson when someone enters. It's none other than Sienna, her hair is done in pigtails, she's in sweats and a cute as fuck baggy jumper. I'll ask her when she sits down next to us where she got it from. She's acting chill like she didn't just walk into our lesson late.

Professor Cáo turns to face her, "You're late," His cold voice speaks. Holy shit. This is why you don't try shit on your professor. He's not using her name, I don't think he even knows it. He looks down at the seating plan he has with everyone in this class's name. "Sienna." He reads aloud from the paper in his hand.

Her stance freezes completely, her jaw clenching at his tone. I wonder if she's shitting her pants right now. Not like a whole piece of shit coming out but maybe like a dribble. Like if I looked down at her sweats and saw a tiny ball of shit fall out.

"Sorry," She apologizes before putting her head down and scurrying up the rows, she turns then sits in an empty seat. Literally, around no one, it's quite secluded. That's not the seat she chose on the first day. What the fuck?

I turn to look at Mel, finding her already staring at me with a look that translates to 'What the fuck is Sienna doing?' I really don't know what the hell is going on with her either.

Professor Cáo notices the anomaly too because I watch as his eyebrows slowly raise while he's talking. He obviously can see that she's sitting in a different seat than the one on the seating plan.

He doesn't say shit but his eyes drift from where Sienna is sitting to where Mel and I are sitting. I automatically sit up straighter, making my posture better. Mel does the same thing except she's also sporting a very flustered look at him glancing at us.

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