Latte kisses || P.P.

989 12 4

Pairing: Peter Parker x fem!reader

Warnings: kissing, little pda


Hand in hand, you and Peter walk around the streets of Queens. It's still surprisingly very chilly for the beginning of spring so the two of you are dressed warmly. Peter gets flustered with holding hands with you out in public and you find it the cutest thing ever. It's as if you have the honours of breaking him out of his little shell. "You're so cute," you nudge your boyfriend and squeeze his hand gently.

He glances at you and smiles sheepishly, squeezing your hand back. "T-Thank you, you're cuter," he struggles to respond.

You giggle and kiss his gloved hand, guiding him toward this café you've been raving to him about. You and Peter haven't been on an official date yet so you found this place and deemed it perfect for the occasion. "Trust me, when I say this place is to die for. They have mini pies, cherry pies! It reminded me of you, so I had to take you here," you beam and stop in front of the beautiful French themed café.

He blushes and glances over at you with softened eyes, "You remembered that I love cherry pie?"

"Of course," you walk towards the window and peek at the menu. "I mean I'm sure it's nothing like May's, but I bet it's good."

"Well, cherry pie is the only good thing she can cook or bake," he teases and you both burst out into a fit of laughter. Shortly after skimming the menu, the two of you get seated at a nice spot in the café where the sun is basking.

"How about you sit next to me so you get to feel the sun too," you scoot over in the booth.

"Alright," Peter smiles and sits next to you, thanking the waiter as he leaves menus for you both.

"I also heard their lattes are super yummy," you glance at the drink menu. "Coffee and pastries sound amazing right now," you groan softly and lean on him.

He turns red at the feeling your body pressed against his, "Y-Yeah they sure do. What kind of latte are you thinking of getting, babe?"

"Hm, oh my god. Look," you point at one of their speciality flavours. "Spider-Man, a latte with oat milk, raspberry and blueberry syrup and strawberry puree on top. Yep, I'm definitely getting that."

At this point, his face is redder than his own suit. "Of course, you are," he chuckles. You asked him the same and he thinks for a moment, smiling as he sees a flavour that reminds him of you. "Honey flower, sounds like you so I will be getting that."

"How sweet," you tease and kiss his cheek, turning over the menu to look at the pastries.

"D-Definitely sweet," he melts inside and plays with the menu, the spot on his cheek burning where your lips once were. "This is a perfect place for our first date, thanks for choosing."

"Of course! You can choose next time," you say confidently and make your choice of what you're going to order in your head.

He dies on the spot because of your sureness and kind tone, he feels like the luckiest guy in the world. "So I'll be getting a honey flower latte and a mini cherry pie, what about you?"

"A Spider-Man latte," you wink at him mid-sentence, "and a chocolate croissant."

"Did you know, it's actually croissant," he pronounces the pastry differently than you did.

You stifle a laugh and lean on the palm of your hand. "Oh really? Sounds like you said quackson. Where'd you learn that? I thought you took Spanish."

He laughs awkwardly and shrugs, "I did. I learned it from a friend, Tom."

After ordering your food, the two of you chat the rest of the date away. Getting to know each other more intimately and brushing up against each other every time you both get. Well, it was you who did so because you loved seeing Peter's reaction. He got so giddy when you touched him.

"You're okay with me holding your arm and stuff right? I'm sorry, I should've asked," you release your hold of his arm and rub the back of your neck sheepishly.

"Huh? No, I mean yes. Of course! Yes, oh my god please, I love it," he blurts out and immediately regrets it when your eyebrows raise with amusement. "I mean, I-I like it. A lot. I don't mind, at all. So you can," he stammers and loops your arm back around his.

"Okay, steady Parker," you giggle and snuggle his arm, while taking a sip of your latte. "Mm, would you like to taste?"

"Oh sure," he reaches out for your cup. You stop him and cup his cheek, averting your gaze back and forth between his eyes and lips. "What? Wait. Oh. Oh. Y-Yes, I'd love to." You grin and lean forward, connecting your lips with his. He tastes the flavour of the Spider-Man latte with a hint of you, if that made sense. It made sense to him which leads to him going into complete bliss and deepening the kiss, causing you to let out a quiet noise of shock. "Sorry! Sorry, I'm so sorry, I got carried away," he pulls away and looks at you worriedly.

You stare back at him with a softened look in your eyes. "Don't apologize. I liked it, a lot," you mimic his words from before and smirk at him. He shrivels up with embarrassment and rolls his eyes. "So, how did you like the latte?" you bite your lip and glance over at him with a teasing expression.

He playfully glares at you out of embarrassment and shrugs, "It was pretty good, yeah. Very urhm, sweet."

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