Chapter 2: Father Father Tell Me Where Have You Been?

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Authors note: if something is in italics and it doesn't say why like flashback or something it's her thoughts. The picture in the media is Scarlett.
After work I sat in my room doing the homework that was due on Monday. "Sup loser." Kennedy, one of my roommates, said walking into the room. "Nothing much jerk." I replied not looking up from my homework. We did this everyday and we werent serious. Kennedy was the only person here I liked she was the oldest besides me and we had both been here the longest so we were more realists than the other girls. Our orphanage was fairly small for an orphanage. There were 18 girls me being the oldest a little girl named Felicity at the youngest, she was 3.
Suddenly we heard Mrs. Maggie yell "Someone's coming to adopt any minute now they said they already know who but everyone get ready just in case!" Kennedy and I groaned. We never expected to get adopted because we were teenagers and people didn't adopt teenagers. All of the other girls got ready and made them selves pretty but I just re did my braid and went downstairs plopping down on the couch. Minutes later everyone was down stairs and the girls were all chatting way excitedly. A lot of them thought it was them being adopted because every Saturday they go to the park and act all cute then when someone tells then they're cute they tell them they're orphans. The sneaky little kids.
I rolled my eyes at Kennedy and took out my iPod. I put in one ear bud and put it on shuffle. Sing by my chemical romance came on and I smiled and hummed softly.
Finally two men walked in. The two men I had met that morning. I sat up and tool out an earbud now playing close attention.
"Who was it that you wanted to adopt?" Maggie asked him in her sweet voice. "Um her." the man with the shorter hair said pointing to me. I raised an eyebrow and exchanged a confused glance with Kennedy. All eyes were now on me.
Mrs. Maggie didn't want anyone to adopt me because she feared that I would give her a bad reputation so she tried to convince them not to. "Scarlett? Oh trust me you don't want her she's a trouble maker she's bad..." I tuned her out and looked at Kennedy once again rolling my eyes but my attention snapped back when the man said "Yes I want her. She's my actual daughter." he said. Everyone's jaw dropped. That never happened EVER. This wasn't a movie so to have someone's real parents come and adopt them was the chance of 1 in a million.
Mrs. Maggie swallowed. "How do you know?" She asked. He shook his head "Doesn't matter." he said. Maggie nodded "Okay Um Scarlett go get your things." She said quietly probably feeling bad about insulting me in front of him.
I went upstairs and through the few items of clothing I owned into a ratty old suit case along with the little bit of makeup I had and my iPod charger. I then zipped it up and grabbed my guitar heading downstairs. "Ready?" the man that claimed he was my dad asked. I nodded and we went out to his car. He took my things and put them in the trunk. I got in the back he got in the drivers seat and the other guy got in the passenger seat. "So what are your names?" I asked. "Well I'm Dean and this is my brother Sam." Dean said. "Oh." I said quietly. I felt so stupid I should have known when he freaked out because of the picture that it was him. Its because you are stupid. Shut up mind.
Deans POV (I decided to try it):
On the way to the orphanage I called the orphanage and told them I would be adopting but I didn't know the girls name so I didn't tell them who.
When we got there I walked in and noticed the girl had one of hier ear buds in looking bored while almost every other girl looked excited and hopeful. The moment the girl saw me she perked up curiosity and confusion in her features. I told the woman I asked to adopt her and to my surprise the woman began trying to get me to change my mind "Scarlett? Oh trust me you don't want her she's a trouble maker she's bad. She talks back all the time and she's a smart arse!" the woman exclaimed I raised an eyebrow when she said arse. she droaned on telling me stories of past problems. As much as I enjoyed hearing them I cut the woman off and told her I wanted Scarlett because she was my actual daughter. I hadn't meant for it to come out it just did. The woman paled and everyone's jaw had dropped and they were glancing from me to Scarlett constantly. The woman asked me how I knew and I began getting agitated. Eventually Scarlett had gotten her stuff and we were able to leave. Not that I would tell anyone but I wasn't sure what I was doing or what was going on and I was worried.
Scarlett's POV:
We arrived at a motel and Dean parked the car. I raised an eyebrow looking out the window but I didn't say anything I just got out of the car and helped Dean get my stuff out of the back.
When we got into their hotel room there were 2 beds and a ratty old couch. I threw my stuff on the couch assuming I would have to sleep there. I've slept on worse. "I can take the couch you can have the bed." Sam said. I shook my head "I'm fine." I said sitting down next to my stuff. "So, uh, what are we doing at a hotel? Where do you guys live?" I asked. Dean sighed "No where we travel around." Dean said. I nodded. "So what do you do for a living?" I asked.
The two men shared a look. Oh no. They're unemployed. "We fight monsters." Dean said. I laughed but they both looked at me without showing any sign of humor. "Oh... Your serious." I said. They nodded. "We're hunters. Hunters of demons, ghosts, spirits, vampires, werewolves. They're all real and we hunt them." Dean said. I believed them. I had always known that stuff was real and somehow I could tell they weren't crazy. "Cool." I stated.
"That's it?" Dean asked. "No 'You're crazy!' No Whatevers just cool?" he asked. I nodded and then sighed "Confession time. I've actually worked with people with this stuff before. I didn't know if you were like the real deal or just idiots that think they know what demons are but you said you were hunters so.... Look the point is I have a little bit of training because my mom knew some people and I found out some things" I said. Dean frowned "Really you're just like an off an on 15 year old orphan Hunter?" Dean asked I just shrugged and nodded. "So what are you hunting right now?" I asked. "Just a simple demon were doing an exorcism later tonight and then we'll leave tomorrow morning." he said. "Can I come?" I asked. "To the exorcism?" Dean asked. Stupid of course not you would just hold them back! I ignored my thoughts and just nodded. He thought about it "Fine I guess you've done it before so there's no way I can stop you from having this life. " he said. I nodded and grinned. Haha mind you were wrong. Yeah this one time. Don't worry they'll both get tired of you soon enough. I gulped and watched the two men mess with some guns I hadn't noticed before. I had to stop thinking like this.

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