Chapter 46: When She Opens Her Eyes There Will Be No Surprise

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I bent over the trashcan and threw up yet again. It was absolutely terrible all the throwing up I've been doing these past few days. More then I've ever thrown up. I finished and rested my head on the rim of the trash can, panting. Dean walked in holding a beer and looked over at me.

"Again?" He asked. I nodded. Then Castiel appeared.

"Cas finally! Can you heal Scarlett? I know you couldn't Bobby's legs but this is smaller, you think you can do this?" Dean asked. Castiel nodded and walked over to me. I stood up and closed my eyes as Cas rested two of his fingers on my forehead. After a second he pulled away and looked at me in disbelief.

"What?" I asked.

"I can't heal you." He said.

"Why?!" Dean asked. He looked at Dean then back at me. He frowned... Was that... Apologetically?

"Because she's pregnant." Cas said.

"WHAT?!" Dean roared looking at me angrily. I instantly felt tears come to my eyes.

"I-i'm what?" I whispered.

"Pregnant." Cas repeated.

"How?! What the hell Scarlett!" Dean shouted pure anger in his voice. Bobby, Sam, and Angel walked in to see what the problem was.

"Why are you yelling?" Sam asked.

"Scarlett's pregnant!" Dean shouted.

"What?!" Sam and Bobby exclaimed.

"Is it Alex's?!" Angel asked. Everyone looked over at her. I have her a look.

"Who the hell is Alex?!" Dean asked.

"My boyfriend." I said quietly.

"Since when?! When the hell did you meet him?!" Dean asked.

"When Angel and I went on that hunt." I muttered looking down.

"So not only did you leave and go on a hunt without permission but you gained a boyfriend?!" Dean asked. I nodded.

"How did you meet him on this hunt?" Dean asked. I didn't answer I just looked down.

"Answer me!" Dean shouted. I didn't. Then I heard Angel's small voice speak.

"He's a vampire." she said.

"A VA-" He had to stop for a second.

"A vampire?" He asked quieter but not softer.

"Yes! Okay! Yes! I did it with a vamp! Several times! And yes, he's the reason I haven't seen Bee in months! He's the real reason I stopped cutting cause let's be honest I never really did stop! He's the only one that continues to check on me and doesn't just assume I'm good now! He's the reason my self esteem is so much higher then it used to be! I love him Okay! I love him!" I shouted. It was silent for a second.

"Go to your room." Dean said.

"De-" He stopped me.

"GO to you room." He said. I angrily flipped around and made my way up the stairs... And packed my bags. I quickly finished and as there was a knock on my door I shoved it into my closet. I let Dean in.

"What the hell were you thinking?!" He shouted at me.

"What do you mean?! At least to don't have one night stands every other fucking night!" I shouted.

"Watch your attitude and mouth young lady!" He shouted.

"At least I'm not being a hypocrite!" I shouted.

"Dammit, Scarlett, you're a teenage girl! This isn't your show! I'm your dad what I say goes no matter what I do!" Dean snarled.

"Dean this is ridiculous!" I said not calling him dad. He was unfazed.

"Do you not realize that you have a human slash vampire growing inside of you because of a stupid mistake!" Dean shouted.

"It wasn't a mistake! I don't regret it at all!" I yelled at him.

"Scarlett! Gosh dammit why are you so gosh damn stupid?!" He shouted.

"Get out! I hate you Dean Winchester! I fucking hate you! Just get the fuck out!" I screeched. He looked like he had been slapped across the face he slowly left. Hey, I know it was harsh buy I was pregnant. Hormones are a bitch.

I grabbed my bag and called Alex.

"Hey." he said answering it.

"Alex, meet me at the park I'll be there in ten." I said.

"Okay, love you." He said.

"Love you too." I replied. I tossed my phone onto the bed knowing it's traceable and I went out the window with my bag. Stupid to do while I'm pregnant I know but whatever.


I ran over to Alex who was waiting for me.

"Alex!" I cried hugging him and sobbing into his chest.

"Scar, baby, what's wrong?" He asked. I pulled out of the hug and looked up at him

"I-i-i'm pregnant." I sobbed. He frowned and pulled me in.

"Shh." He soothed.

"It's okay Scar." he said. I pulled away and looked up at him.

"I can't go back home. My dad and I got into a huge fight." I said. He nodded.

"Come on let's go. You, me, and Alessya. We can go anywhere you want. Out in the big city or out in the country. Maybe somewhere with an ocean or where it's freezing cold. You and me whoever you want to go. We can get away from everything and raise our child." He said. I smiled and kissed him on the lips.


"I can't believe this! I'm going to have a niece or nephew!" Alessya squealed some more as I helped her and Alex pack. We decided on Texas. Good ol' Texas. I smiled at her

"I can't believe I'm going to have a daughter or son." I sighed shaking my head.

"Same here." Alex said. I slightly frowned.

"We're really young..." I said.

"You are. I'm nineteen." He said. I three a pair of very colorful socks at him playfully and he laughed tossing them back. I put them in Alessya's bag.

"We're going to have to get country clothes before we get there. I want to go way down south. I've lived in Texas before it's not all accents and cowboy hats there but I want to go to a place where it is. Where we can sit around a fire and sing songs and be happy." I said smiling thinking about it.

"You're living in a movie inside that brain of yours." Alessya teased. I scoffed and she laughed.

"You know people actually do camp out there it's an actual thing! We should visit Lake Texoma. It's great. I have so many childhood memories there. It's where my mom step dad and I would go for the fourth of July every single year." I said smiling at the memory.

"Sounds good. When it gets hot out we'll have to go." Alessya said.

"Make it a tradition with our new baby." Alex said. I smiled.

"That sounds amazing."

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