Character Answers!!!!

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Me (author):

How are you so cool cuz dang

So when my mom found out she was pregnant with me her and my dad were worried I would be as lame as them so they went to a psychic and asked how they can make me cool. The psychic gave my mom and potion and when my mom drank it a ton of coolness, creativness, and awesomeness was put in my system and boom. COOLNESSSSSSS!!! (Lol love you Lizzie!!! You, Becca, and me need to hang out when I finally get ungrounded I miss seeing you  every day at school!!! (Even though I know we see each other often still it's not enough, I need every day back!!!!))

Will you marry me bc your my fave

Yes!!!! Becca, I will totally marry you!!!! Then we can hang out everyday again! And Lizzie can move next door to us cause she's your twin and you will miss her if she doesn't! And, we will adopt ten babies, five girls and five boy and name them:

Boys: Dan, Dean, Sam, Maxx, Zach

Girls: Cody, Rose, Amy, Clara, Charlie


So do you think Alex is the one?

Yes! I know it sounds cheesy but I honestly do. There's something about Alex that just pulled me towards him and I know a lot of people probably think we're moving to fast but you don't understand the way he makes me feel. It's a feeling I've never felt before. I feel a drawing towards him. I can't help it. Just, don't tell Dean, he's kill me if he knew I was doing it but he'd kill me even worse if he found out it was with a vampire!


How protective are you?

Very protective. Scarlett is my baby girl and I don't want anything to happen to her. No boyfriends and no parties (unless I give it the Okay) l and we're good. Definitely no boyfriends.


Why do you like school so much? it sucks!!

I just liked feeling normal. When you hunt monsters and get yelled at by your dad your whole life school is nothing. Plus, learning is great. Don't you love knowing things and feeling smart?!


Do you plan on staying with Scarlett?

Dude, I plan on marrying Scarlett one day.

Is there something "Supernatural"  (like angels involved or something) to your and Scarlett's relationship? Like r they meant to be or something or did they just really click?

Hmmmmmm... I'm not sure I guess we'll find out together ;)


you are litteraly so cute!!not a question but I'm glad you are perfext for my character in the story!!

Thanks Angel I find you beautiful! And... Perfext? Could you explain? Is this something between you and Scarlett? I'm confused...

Are you going to appear more?

I hope so! Angel and her cousin are so awesome and Alex, Kyle, and Alessya are pretty cool too. I'd love to be apart of the gang.


How are you so cool cause dang

I learn from my best friends Kalee and Scarlett! ;)


It's me :p

Who's you? Me? I'm you? I was told yesterday i'm just a character and i'm based off a real person who's name isnt actually Shado... Is that you? Daaaaang girl, you're cool! You must learn from the writer Kalee

Lol, guys, that was really fun!!!! Remember you can still ask questions, I will always answer them so don't think that just because this is up doesn't mean you can't ask questions!!!! If you want to know anything about a character, or myself, or my plans with the book feel free to ask!!! (though I won't give you any spoilers lol that's for me to know and you to find out ;))

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