Chapter 6: The Thought Of You Is No Fun

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Pic in media is her outfit. (Btw I make all of the outfits on polyvore. My user:music4evs)
A few weeks later I was breaking in this chick named Bella's apartment with Sam and Dean because she stole this gun called a colt that kills demons.
I had on a shirt with the lyrics to Social Casualty by 5 seconds of summer on dark ripped skinny jeans white converse and light makeup on.
As we're looking for it a phone rings. Dean hesitantly answered it and out in on speaker. Bella's British voice comes over the phone. "Dean sweetie are you there?" Bella asked. "Where are you?" Dean asked angrily ignoring her question. "Two states away by now." She responded. "Where?" Dean asked becoming more frustrated. "Where's our usual quippy banter? I miss it." Bella asked sassily. "I want it back, Bella... now." he said anger clearly in his voice. "Your little pistol, you mean? Sorry, I can't at the moment." She said. I frowned. "You understand how many people are gonna die if you do this?" Dean asked. What exactly is it that you think I plan to do with it?" Bella asked making me stop and think. It didn't concern Dean though, "Take the only weapon we have against an army of demons and sell it to the highest bidder." Dean said angrily. "You know nothing about me." Bella said still keeping her cool. "I know I'm gonna stop you." Dean stated matter if factley. "Tough words for a guy who can't even find me." Bella said confidently. "Oh, I'll find you, sweetheart. You know why? Because I have absolutely nothing better to do than to track you down." Dean said with the same amount of confidence as Bella but more anger mixed with it. "That's where you're wrong. You're about to be quite occupied." She said. Dean looked over at Sam and I. "Did you really think I wouldn't take precautions?" Bella asked.
Just the a bunch of cops busted in the room. "Hands in the air down on your knees!" one if then shouted. We obeyed as police officers forced us to lay on the ground. "Sam, Dean, and Scarlett Winchester you have the right to remain silent. Anything you say can and will be used against you in a court of law. You have the right to speak to an attorney and have an attorney present during any questioning. If you cannot afford a lawyer, one will be appointed for you at government expense." an officer said. We each looked up to see a black FBI agent. (A/N: It's not racist to define him as black, chill. Lol) "Hi guys it's been a while." he said and I could tell by the looks on Sam and Deans faces they did not like this guy. Dean closed his eyes and layer his head on the floor.
"Why am I here what did I do?" I wondered aloud as I paced the cell. Sam and Dean had explained who Agent Henriksen was. "I don't know probably just because you're family. At least you're not shackled to us." Dean replied shaking the chains that held the boys together. When we were brought in Henriksen told us that we were going to some big prison place all isolated and stuff and I would be going to some hard core juvy place thing for reasons I'm unsure of. Then a demon came in and shot Dean in the shoulder and then left the officer and the officer died and Dean told them he was possessed they didn't believe obviously and they left to go get a helicopter ready to take us away. Now Sam is tending to Deans wound. I sighed then the lights went out. "That can't be good." I said.
"Don't be such a wuss." Sam said as Dean grunted. Then agent Hendrickson came in "What's the plan kill everyone in the station bust you three out?!" he asked. "What the hell are you talking about?" Dean asked. "I'm talking about your psych friends. I'm talking about a blood bath." he said. "Okay I promise you whoevers out there is not here to help us." Dean said. "look you've got to believe us everyone here is in terrible danger." Sam pleaded. "You think?" Agent Hendrickson asked. "Why don't you let us out of here so we can save you're asses?" Dean asked. "From what? Demons?" he raised his gun "Don't you dare say demons! Let me tell you something. You should be more scared of me." He then walked out and I scoffed. "What an ass hole." I stated. "How's your shoulder?" Sam asked Dean. Dean took away the toilet paper covered in blood "It's awesome." he scoffed throwing away the toilet paper. "I'll live. You know if we get out of here alive. So you got a plan?" Dean asked. Sam checked his shoulder and he winced. I noticed Nancy the woman from the counter before peaking around the corner. "Hey." I said softly smiling at her. She backed up a little scared. "Hey my brother here got shot and he's hurt really bad. Do you think you can get us some more towels? Please? Just one clean towel. " Sam asked. She still looked scared and unsure "Look at us. We're not the bad guys." Sam said and Dean and I smiled at her. "Nice try." I said. Sam sighed but then Nancy came back in with fresh towels. She held her arm through the bars and Sam smiled at her. She smiled back then Sam grabbed her arm and outlet her into the bars. "Sam!" I whisper shouted as she screamed. Another guy ran in the room with a rifle "Let her go!" he yelled. Sam let her go. "Try anything again and I'll shoot. And not in the arm." he said then walked out with Nancy asking if she was okay. "What the hell was that?" Dean and I both asked. Sam held up her rosary and Dean chuckled softly.
A little while later Dean was pressing a towel to his arm. "We're sitting like ducks in here." Sam said. "Yeah I know would it kill these cops to BRING US A SNACK!" he said yelling the last words. I giggled softly at his apatite. I don't eat much I like being skinny. That doesn't mean I don't have a bug apatite though it just means I don't satisfy it. "How many do you figure are out there?" Sam asked. "I don't know." Dean responded sighing. "They could be possessing anyone anyone could just walk right in." I said. "It's kind of wild, right? I mean it's like they're coming for us. They've never done that before. It's like we got a contract on us. Think it's because we're so awesome? I think it's 'cause we're so awesome." he said I rolled my eyes grinning but Sam was unamused.
Then the Sheriff, Melvin I think, came in. "Well howdy, sheriff." Dean said. Melvin began to open the door and we all stood up. "Uh sheriff?" Sam asked confused. "It's time to go, boys." The sheriff said coming into the cell. "Uh... You know we're comfy here thank you." Dean said backing up and putting an arm out in front of me.
Hendrickson showed up at the door cell "What do you think you're doing?" He asked. "We're not just going to sit around here and wait to die were making a run for it." The sheriff said. "It's safer here." agent H said. (A/N sorry I know it seems lazy but that name is way too long so I'm putting H from now on. lol) "There's a SWAT facility in Boulder." The sheriff said. "We're not going anywhere." H said walking into the cell. "The hell were not!" the sheriff said. H shot him and I gasped realizing he was possessed. Sam pushed H's head in the toilet and began an exorcism. A cop ran in and I took the chance to pick up H's gun and point it at him. "Stay back!" I yelled hands shaking because I had never pointed a gun at a person before, much less at an officer. So stupid you can't even hold a gun! BM said. I ignored her wondering why she has had just now showed up. Dean came over to me careful not to mess Sam up my yanking the chains and took the gun noticing that I was nervous. He also kept it pointed on them. Nancy came around the corner terror in her eyes. "Hurry up!" Dean yelled. H lifted his head his eyes were black "It's too late I already called them. They're already coming." He said. Then Sam shoved him back into the toilet and if I she'd the exorcism. H screamed black smoak shot out if his mouth and went through the air vent in the ceiling.
H fell to the floor and Sam was breathing heavily. "Is he... Is he dead?" Nancy asked. Before anyone could answer H sat up and coughed. "Hendricks is that you in there?" I asked. H got up and sat on the bed "I... I shot the sheriff. After a pause Dean smiled" But you didn't shoot the deputy. Sam glared at Dean in disbelief while I covered my mirth. "Five minutes ago I was fine and then..." he trailed off "Let me guess some nasty black smoak crammed itself down your throat?" I asked. "You were possessed." Dean said. "Possessed, like possessed?" H asked. "Now you know what it feels like." I said smirking. "We owe you the biggest "I told you so" ever." I said cockily. Dean laughed "Hell yes we do." he said handing H his gun. "Officer Amici keys." H asked the police officer. He gave H the keys and H undid Sam and Deans chains. "Alright so how do we survive?"
Sam was drawing a devils trap on the floor with spray paint, Dean was looking at the floor plan to the police station, Nancy and I were working on Deans wound, and H and Phil, Phil being the officer I pointed a gun at, we're preparing guns. "Well that's nice it's not gonna do much." Dean said looking up at them. "We got an arsenal here." Phil said. "You don't poke a bear with a BB gun that's just gonna make them mad." I stated. "What do you need?" H asked. "Salt. Loads of salt." Dean said. "Salt?" Phil asked. "What is there an echo in here?" Dean asked. "There's road salt in the store room." Nancy said. "Perfect we need salt at every window and every door." Dean said. The officers left. "How you holding up Nancy?" I asked her. "Okay. When I was little, I would come home from the church and start to talk about the devil. And my parents would tell me to stop being so literal. I guess I showed them, huh?" She then put the last pice of tape on Denis shoulder and we both stood up. "That should hold." She said. "Thank you." Dean said.
Then Phil came in with a bag of salt. "Hey where's my car?" Dean asked. "Impound lot out back." Phil said. "Okay." Dean said standing up. "Wait." Dean looked at him "You're not actually going out there are you?" Phil asked. "Yeah I got to get something out of my trunk." He said. Then he left.
Sam was drawing another devils trap while the rest of us lined the windows and doors with salt. Dean rushed in "They're coming hurry!" he shouted. Black smoak hit the window that Nancy was at and she screamed. We all ran to the office area where H was. Dean tossed a gun to Sam. We saw smoke hit the building and surround the windows. The lights flickered and it became darker. Dust rained down in us as the building shook. Then the smoak disappeared and it was silent.
"Everybody Okay?" Sam asked. "Define Okay." H said. "Everybody put these on." Dean said passing out protection necklaces that keep demons from possessing you. "What about you three?" Nancy asked us. Sam and Dean pulled down there shirts to show their tattoos and I pulled up my ripped skinny jeans to show my ankle. I stood back up and I looked over at BM who looked bored. She was being really quiet I had expected some snacks remark about how awful my skin looks or something. "Smart how long have you had those?" H asked. "Not long enough." Sam responded.
We were all kind of sitting around when we heard Nancy say "Hey that's Jenna Rubner." We looked up to see a crowd of people outside and she was gesturing to a girl with red hair and black eyes. "That's not Jenna anymore." I responded. "That's where all the black demon smoke went?" Nancy asked. "Looks like it." Sam said. Dean began feeling shotgun sheets full of salt. "Shot gun shells full of salt?" H asked. "Whatever works." Dean said. H began doing the same thing "So demons are real." he stated. "FYI ghosts are real too. So are werewolves, changelings, evil clowns that was people. I shivered. I hate clowns you're just a wuss. BM said. I rolled my eyes. "Okay then." H said. "How many demons?" H asked. "Total? Not a clue: a lot." Dean said. "You know what my job is?" H asked. "Besides locking up the good guys?" Dean asked. "Not a clue." he said. " My job is boring, it's frustrating. You work three years for one break, and then maybe you can save ... a few people. Maybe. That's the payoff. I've been busting my ass for 15 years to nail a handful of guys and all this while, there's something off in the corner so big. So yeah... sign me up for that big, frosty mug of wasting my damn life." he said. "You didn't know." I said. "Now I do. What's out there? Can you guys beat it? Can you win?" H asked Dean. "Honestly? I think the world's gonna end bloody. But it doesn't mean we shouldn't fight. We do have choices. I choose to go down swingin'" he said. "Plus you got nothing to go home to but your brother and daughter you just met. " H stated. "Yeah. What about you? You rockin' the white picket fence?" Dean asked. "Mmm-mm. Empty apartment, string of angry ex-wives. I'm right where you are." he said. "Imagine that." Dean chuckled. There's a crash and we run into the office. Ruby was standing in a Devils trap. "How do we kill her?" H asked pointing his gun at her. "We don't." Sam said pushing a finger down on the barrel of H's gun. "Are you gonna let me out?" Ruby asked. Sam scratched the Devils trap with his knife and she walked out. " And they say chivalry's dead. Does anyone have a breath mint? Some guts splattered in my mouth while I was killing my way in here." She walks past us and into the main office we follow while Sam fixes the salt line. "How many are out there?" Dean asked. "How many are out there?" I asked. "30 at least and that's so far." She said. "Oh good 30. 30 hit men waiting to kill us. Who sent them?" Dean asked. Ruby looked at Sam who was now standing in the door way. "You didn't tell Dean?" She asked. "Oh I'm surprised." She said. "Tell me what?" he asked "There's a big new up and corner. Real pied piper." She said. "Who is he?" Dean asked. "Not he. Her. Her name is Lilith." Ruby said."Lilith?" Dean asked confused. "And she really , really wants Sam's intestines on a stick. 'Cause she sees him as competition." Ruby said. "You knew about this?!" Dean asked angrily. Sam didn't answer. "Well, gee, Sam. Is there anything else I should know?!" Dean asked angrily. Gosh I'll remind you never to keep anything from him. BM said. Thanks. I thought back to her. Sometimes she was like this. I mean she is my best friend she's nice sometimes. How about the two of you talk about this later? We'll need the Colt." Ruby said. She looked at Sam and he didn't meet her eyes. Then she looked at Dean "Where's the Colt?" She asked angrily. "It got stolen." Sam said. "I'm sorry. I must have blood in my ear. I thought I just heard you say that you were stupid enough to let the Colt get grabbed out of your thick, clumsy, idiotic hands. Fantastic. This is just peachy..." She said steam practically coming out of her ears. "Ruby..." Sam started. Shut up." She said raising her hand. Fine. Since I see that there's no other option. There's one other way I know how to get you out of here alive." She said. "What's that?" Dean asked. "I know a spell. It'll vaporize every demon in a one-mile radius. Myself included. So, you let the Colt out of your sight and now I have to die. So next time, be more careful. How's that for a dying wish?" She asked frustrated. "Okay, what do we need to do?" Dean asked. "Aww... you can't do anything. This spell is very specific. It calls for a person of virtue." She said. Dean nodded "I got virtue." he said "Nice try. You're not a virgin." Ruby stated. Everyone looked over at me. I twiddle my thumbs. "I, uh, I'm uh, not really a, uh, virgin." I said looking down and thinking about my step dad. "What?" Dean asked. "Why not?" He asked. "Like you were a virgin at 15?" Sam asked defending me. "Sam." Dean scolded. "It was stolen from me." I said quietly. Silence filled the room. "Well no one's a virgin." Dean finally said. Ruby looked at Dean then Nancy. "No you're kidding me right?" Dean asked. "What? it's a choice." Nancy said quietly. "So you've never? Not even once? I mean not even- wow." Dean said flustered. I rolled my eyes. "So this spell. What can I do?" Nancy asked smiling at Ruby. "Hold still while I cut your heart out of your chest." Ruby said. Everyone in the room frowned. "What?" Nancy asked. "Are you crazy?" I asked. "I'm offering a solution." Ruby said. "You're offering to kill somebody!" Dean said angrily. "And what do you thinks gonna happen to this girl when the demons get in?" Ruby asked. "We're gonna protect her that's what." H said. "Excuse me." I heard Nancy say. "Very noble!" Ruby snapped ignoring Nancy. "ex-excuse me." Nancy tried to cut in "You're all gonna die! Look this is the only way." Ruby said angrily. "Yeah Yeah there's no way you're gonna-"
"Hey shut the hell up Nancy has something to say! "I yelled feeling bad for Nancy. Everyone looked at Nancy" All the people out there... Will it save them?" She asked. "It'll blow the demons out of their bodies so if their bodies are okay... yeah." Ruby said.
"I'll do it." Nancy said. "Hell no!" H said. "No no." Dean said. "There is no way! You don't need to do this Nancy." I said. "All my friends are out there." She said. "We don't sacrifice people we do then we're no better than they are." H said. "We don't have a choice." Ruby snapped. "Yeah, well, you're choice is not a choice." I said angrily. "Sam you know I'm right." Ruby said. We all looked at him and Dean smiled in expectation that Sam would agree. Sam said nothing. "Sam?" Sam still didn't answer and I uncrossed my arms and stood up straighter frowning with my eyebrows creasing. "Sam want the hell is going on? Sam tell her!" Dean said. "It's my decision." Nancy said. "Damn straight cherry pie." Ruby said. "Stop shop nobody's killing any virgins! Sam I need to talk to you. Come. In Scarlett you can come to." Dean said. Sam and j followed him out of the room. "Please tell me you're not actually considering this. We're talking about holding down a girl and cutting out her heart." Dean said. "And we're also talking about 30 people out there, Dean. Innocent people who are all gonna die, along with everyone in here." Sam shot back. "It doesn't mean that we throw away the rule book and stop acting like humans. I'm not gonna let that demon kill some nice, sweet, innocent girl, who hasn't even been laid. I mean, look, if that's how you win wars, then I don't want to win." Dean said. I nodded agreeing. "Then what? What do we do, Dean?" Sam asked. "I got a plan. I'm not saying it's a good one. I'm not even saying that it'll work. But it sure as hell beats killing a virgin." Dean said. "Okay, so, what's the plan?" Sam asked. "Open the doors, let them all in and we fight." Dean stated. "If we do that I'm calling Becca." I said. They started to object but I held a hand up "You guys trust Ruby? Well I trust Becca and I knew her before she died so don't be hypocrites." I said putting my hands on my hips. "Fine. Now let's get going. " Dean said. Oh boy here we go. I winked at BM without the boys noticing.
Hello my lovelies how are you? Good? Good. Well first things first. I have to tell you when I first got the idea for this book I thought about it a lot and when I pictured BM I pictured Scarlett calling her Bee but for some reason I didn't but it in the book and BM is bugging me so I will start calling her Bee. Also I'm sorry for getting lazy and just putting H for that guy but his name was just too damn long. Also soon my friend any who soon my friend Becca will be writing a spinoff for her character I will let you know when that's out! BTW this chapter (and the next one) is and will be based off of Jus In Bello season 3 episode 12. Love you guys! Goodnight/Goodmorning/Good afternoon. Right now in America it's good night.

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