Chapter 19: Who Is This Monster Wearing My Skin?

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Sam and Dean were researching the demon we were dealing with. I walked down to the nearest continent store (it was very close) and was getting things. As I grabbed two boxes of pie and put it in the small basket I was carrying something grabbed me from behind and everything went black. Then I woke up tied to a chair and a demon was watching me. "Well, well, well what do we have here? It's Dean Winchester's daughter I could get so much offering you to him." She smirked. "Whatever Dean will come and save me and kill you and give you nothing, easy!" I shouted. "Oh honey that'll be a lot harder when I'm inside of you." She commented in a cocky tone. "Sorry can't do that I'm warded." I stated moving my head to flip my hair back. "Oh are you sure about that hon?" She asked walking over and pulling up my jeans. I looked and my ankle was burned where the tattoo had been. I gaped in horror. "Close your mouth you'll catch flies. At least I did it while you were unconscious." She sated. I glared at her. "Whatever now for the fun." She grinned and turned to black smoke and entered my body.
3rd person POV:
Scarlett smirked, or the demon inside of her did anyways. "Nice body." She grinned running her fingers through her hair and moving her limbs. Then she walked out of the warehouse and back to the motel.
"Scarlett! Where have you been?!" Dean asked angrily. "Sorry I got lost on the way there and back." She stated pretending to actually be Scarlett. "So where is everything?" Dean asked. "Er- when I finally got there it was late so I decided to come back so I could get home soon?" he said in the form of a question. "Why didn't you just call?" Sam asked. She shrugged. "Oh well at least your safe." Sam said. "You can't keep doing this Scarlett!" Dean said angrily. "Sorry, Dad." She said looking down. Dean felt the anger rush out of him at the word "dad". "That's not fair." he commented. She giggled and Sam looked at her strangely. He could tell something was off about her she normally didn't giggle like that or act the way she was acting. "You okay Scarlett?" Sam asked her. "Fine why wouldn't I be?" She asked. "You seem off." Sam replied. "Yeah you kind of do." Dean agreed. "Guys I'm fine chill." She said. That did sound like something Scarlett would say. Scarlett was inside fighting and trying to control herself but she just couldn't.
Sam and Dean were outside of the motel standing in the dark while "Scarlett" was sleeping. "I swear man there's something up with her." Dean commented glancing at the door. Sam nodded "She's definitely not herself. She's acting much girlyer than normal and just weird." he stated. "So we toss holy water on her and see what happens?" Dean asked. Sam agreed and they went inside. Sam flicked on the lights and they doused Scarlett with holy water. She popped up and screamed as her skin boiled. Sam and Dean backed up as she jumped up. "Wow that didn't take you long." she grunted walking towards them. Then she stopped. She couldn't go forward. There was a demon trap underneath the rug she was on. Sam brought a chair in and tied her up while she kicked and failed around.
"Leave my daughters body. Now." Dean said angrily. The chuckled "What before you get the information you need on Lilith? I know you're looking to kill her." She smirked. "You know where Lilith is?" Sam asked. "Of course." Scarlett replied. "Tell us!" Dean shouted. Scarlett clicked her tongue "Ah ah ah that's not how it works. I'm not just gonna give you the information." Dean glared at her "What do you want?" Dean asked her. She sat back and smirked at him "Nothing you can give me. I would never give you that information, but it's not like you can torture me. It'll only her dear sweet Scarlett." She stated smiling. It became clear she was trying to break Dean my making him torture his daughters body. This made Dean angry "Tell us dammit!" he yelled angrily. She laughed and Sam pulled out Ruby's knife. "Sam what are you doing?" Dean asked. "We need to find Lilith Dean I have to." Sam stated. "Sammy no!" Dean yelled angrily. "Come on Dean Scarlett's strong it's what she would want." Sam told him. Dean knew it was true he turned around and listened while the demon screamed this went on for a while.
Finally she told Sam and Sam exercised her and Dean turned back around. She was in terrible shape. Scarlett groaned and Dean ran over to her and untied her. "It hurts, daddy." She groaned. "I know baby it'll be okay." Dean said pulling her into him.
Sam and him spent the rest of the night cleaning her up and giving her pain killer. Once that was done they laid her down and she went back to sleep instantly. Dean looked over at Sam who looked guilty. "Night Sammy." he said and then he flicked off the lights and plopped into his own bed instantly falling asleep.
Scarlett's POV:
I creeped down the stairs and peeked around. My step father was drunk again. "Daddy." I said slowly walking to him. "Please out the bottle down." I said trying to take it from him. He yanked it back and looked at me with his blood shot eyes. "Get away from me you little bitch!" he yelled. I shook and cowered away from him. He through the bottle at me and I screamed as he walked closer to me. "You're worthless and stupid!" he yelled he took the front of my shirt and pulled me to a standing position. He out his face close to mine and the strong stench of his awful alcohol breath hit me. "No one love you no one will ever love you." he rasped. "Daddy." I squeaked. "Don't call me that!!!" he roared standing up and snaking me hard against the face. I fell down and wept as he kicked me.
"Scarlett! Scarlett!" I was being shaken. I sat up in bed and looked at Dean who had a worried expression in his face. I was sweating and crying "You were screaming. Are you okay?" he asked. I nodded. "What was your dream about?" he asked. "Nothing. I don't want to talk about it." I whispered. Dean nodded although I could tell he was dying to know. I rubbed at the sloppy stitches on my arm from last night. "Don't do that." Dean said grabbing my wrist. "It hurts." I said. "I know but you can't mess with it. I'll get you more pain killers." he stated going over to his bag and getting out pain killers and handing her two pills and a water. I took it and resisted the urge to scratch at her stitching. I remembered the pain from last night she remitted going through the torture as Sam slashed at her. He did a lot less then he normally would since he knew it would hurt later but still it was awful. I stood up but stumbled and fell back on the bed. I layed down and groaned. Dean walked over and picked me up bridal style. "It's okay I'll carry you." he said. I nodded and in to much pain to think about what I was doing I buried my head in his chest as he carried me to the impala.

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