Chapter 4: Look Into My Eyes, It's Where My Demons Hide

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"Becca! Becca!" I was crying and my arms were burning in the fire but I refused to move away from her. "Becca please! Please open you're eyes! Stand up! Becca please! The tears blurred my vision and I couldn't stop them."Please!" I cried staring at her unmoving body her locket reflecting the orange flames. I screamed as loud as I could and started sobbing harder.
I woke up in sweat, my breathing heavy, and tears running down my face. Light was shining through the hotel curtains and Dean was watching me worriedly. "You okay?" he asked. I nodded wiping away my tears. "Yeah I'm fine." I said. "Who's Becca?" he asked. I frowned. "You were saying her name in your sleep." Dean explained. I nodded "She was my best friend... She... She died last year." I said choking after the first she. He nodded "How'd she die?" he asked. "I don't want to talk about it." I said flashing back to that terrible night. He nodded and then Sam walked in with breakfast. "He- you okay Scarlett?" he asked when he saw me. I just nodded. "I'm gonna go get some air." I stated walking out the door.
I waited knowing she would come. "Hey." She said when she finally showed up. " I had the nightmare again." I said. She frowned "I'm sorry." She said. "I miss you so much." I said. "I'm right here." She said. "The demon you. Not the live you." She frowned "You know if you don't like demon me all you have to do is throw the locket in a fire." She said. I frowned "No, I would never!" I said. She smiled "I know Scar and I don't want you to but Sam and Dean are smart they'll find out about me soon." She said. "But you're a good demon you've never done anything to hurt anyone!" I said. "They won't care." She said "I'm still a demon and they kill demons." She finished. I looked down "This is so unfair." I said. "I know." She replied. "I have to go but I'll see you later Okay?" She asked. I nodded and she vanished.
I sighed and walked back inside. I took so jeans, a black tank top, and a brown leather jacket into the bathroom and got changed. "You're like a mini girl version of Dean." Sam said looking at me. I just shrugged and then Dean came in. "There was a demon outside. Looks like we're staying longer." he said. "What did she look like?" I asked. "I don't know pink hair, nose ring, brown eyes, about 15... know anybody that fits that description and died in this hotel?" he asked. My breath caught in my throat. He just described her.
3rd person POV:
Right before Dean came in.
Dean walked outside right after Scarlett came in. He was walking either his bags to the Impala when a girl was running and they hit shoulders. Dean turned around and her eyes flash a dark black. The girl look terrified when she had realized what happened but she didn't go anywhere. "Who are you?" Dean asked putting a hand on his gun. "I'm not a bad demon." She said. "I've heard that before." Dean replied. "Well I'm serious please don't kill me." he begged. "Why shouldn't I?" Dean asked. "Because Scarlett would kill you." She then vanished and Dean went back inside. "There was a demon outside looks like we're staying longer." Dean said watching Scarlett for a reaction. "What did she look like?" Scarlett asked. Dean gave a quick description and asked her if she knew anybody like that. Scarlett's eyes went wide. "Scarlett?" Dean asked. "She's not bad." Scarlett whispered. "She's probably lying." Dean said. "She's not I know her she's good." Scarlett said. "Scarlett it doesn't matter what she told you or what she's done for you she's a demon you don't know her." Sam said sounding like he was speaking from experience. "Yes I do! " Scarlett screamed and ran out if the hotel room. "Well that didn't take long." Sam said after a minute. "What didn't take long?" Dean asked. "For drama to start."
"We have to kill this demon."
"Scarlett is probably the only one that knows how since she watched her die but I have a feeling she won't tell us. "
"Why did it have to be a girl why not a boy?"
"What? This would be easier if she was a boy."
"Well you're stuck with a girl. Trust me though Scarlett is better than any boy you could get." Sam and Dean turned to see who invaded their conversation. It was the demon. "What are you doing here?" Dean asked. The girl sighed "I came back for Scarlett's sake. I figured she would freak out when you talked about killing me and there would be drama. Just don't get angry at Scarlett she has good reasons for her actions. " The girl said. "Who are you?" Dean asked. "My names Becca." She said and then she vanished.

A/N pic in media is Becca

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