Chapter 8: They Say That Love Is Forever, Your Forever Is All I Need

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Pictures of demons were pinned to the wall and Sam and I were researching. Suddenly the door opened and Dean walked in with a brown paper bag. "So was I right? Is it the serial killing chimney sweep?" Dean asked. "Who?" Dean asked. "Mary Poppins?" Sam said. "Who's that?" Dean asked. My eyebrows went up. How did he know my mom and never find out what Mary Poppins was I mean it's her favorite movie. "Oh come on- never mind." Sam said waving his hand.
"Well it turns out that Walsh is the second guy in town grabbed out of his house this month." Dean said. "Oh yeah?" Sam asked. "Yeah." Dean replied. "The other guy dragged up the chimney too?" Sam asked."Don't know. Witnesses said they heard a thump on the roof. So, what the hell do you think we're dealing with?" Dean asked. "Actually I have an idea." Sam said. "Yeah?" Dean asked. "Uh, it's gonna sound crazy." Sam said. "What could you possibly say that sounds crazy to me?" Dean asked. "Um... Evil Santa." Sam said smiling unsurly. I held back a laugh "Yeah that's crazy." Dean stated. " Yeah... I mean, I'm just saying that there's some version of the anti-Claus in every culture. You got Belsnickel, Krampus, Black Peter. Whatever you want to call it, there's all sorts of lore." Sam said showing us pictures. "Saying what?" Dean asked. "Saying ... back in the day, Santa's brother went rogue and now he shows up around Christmas time, but instead of bringing presents, he punishes the wicked." Sam said. "By hauling their ass up chimneys?" Dean asked. "For starters yeah." Sam said. "So this is your theory, huh? Santa shady brother?" Dean asked "Well ah- I'm just saying that's what the lore says." Sam said. "Santa doesn't have a brother Santa isn't real." Dean said. "Yeah I know your the one who told me that." Sam said. I frowned and Dean looked down guiltily. "I hope I didn't just ruin your day Scarlett." Dean chuckled looking back up. "Really Dean? I'm 15 not 6." I said. He chuckled again. "It's okay guys I'm probably wrong. I've got to be wrong." Sam said. "Maybe maybe not." Dean said. "What?" Sam asked. "I did a little digging. Turns out both victims visited the same place before they got snatched." Dean said. "Where?" Sam asked.
20 minutes later Santa village
"It does kind of lend credence to the theory, don't it?" Dean asked as we got to the entrance. "Yeah but anti-clause? Couldn't be." Sam said. "It's a Christmas miracle. Hey, speaking of, we should have one this year." Dean said. "A Christmas." Dean said. Sam scoffed "No thanks." he said. I silently agreed. "No, we'll get a tree, a little Boston market, just like when we were little." Dean said. "Dean those weren't exactly Hallmark memories for me." Sam said. "What are you talking about? We had some great Christmases!" Dean stated. "Who's childhood are you talking about?" Sam asked. "Oh come on Sam. Scarlett wouldn't you like a Christmas?" Dean asked me. "Not really..." I sighed. "Oh come on you guys!" he said. "No just no!" Sam shouted. "Alright, grinch." Dean said surprised. He walked away from us.
(sorry for the authors note but pretend that instead of twelve her father was arrested only 10 months ago)
I heard the soft snores of my drunk step father and tiptoed silently passed his room and out the front door. It was Christmas and his gross friends had just left finally getting tired of using me like a play toy. I walked into the woods in our neighborhood and went to a specific tree. Standing there was a tall figure that was the man I loved. I ran over to him and he took my hands. "Hey Scar." he said leaning down to kiss me. "Hi." I said when we broke apart. "Merry Christmas." he said. "It wasn't merry for me but I hope it was for you." I said. He kissed me. "I'm sorry." he said. "It's okay at least your here now." I said. "I got you something." he whispered. Then he handed me a small box. I opened it and it revealed a ring. A diamond ring. "Jason." I gasped. "Marry me." he said. I looked into his eyes "I'm only 15." I said. "Marry me in three years." he said. "Jason that's a long time to wait!" I said. "I don't care." he said. "I love you." I said. "I love you too." he said bending down and kissing me again. He said the ring onto my left ring finger. I stopped him "He'll see it " here say I stole it and then try to sell it Jason." I said. I too thick it off my finger and slid it on my pocket. "It won't leave my pocket until we get married." I said. "Perfect." He said smiling. "this is yours." I said handing him a small box. "It's not much." I said. He opened it to reveal a pair of black gages. "Thanks." he said smiling at me. "I have to go before my step father wakes up." I said. We kissed and then went our separate ways.
Flash back over pic of Jason in media
I fingered the ring in my pocket and thought about Jason. I missed him so much. I have kept my promise to wait to keep the ring. Has he kept his? I don't even know if he's alive. He's the one who taught me hours to hunt when we were ten.
"You'd think with the ten bucks it cost to get into this place Santa could scrunge up a little snow." Dean said awakening me from my thoughts. "What?" Sam and I both asked. "Nothing. What are we looking for again?" Dean asked. "Lore says that the anti-Claus will walk with a limp and smell like sweets." Sam replied. "Great so we're looking for a pimp Santa. Why the sweets?" Dean asked. "Think about it Dean if you smell like candy the kids will come closer you know?" Sam explained. "That's creepy... How does this thing know who's been naughty and who's been nice?" he asked. "I don't know." Sam replied.
We watched as a little kid went to sit on Santa's lap. "Have you been a good boy this year Ronny?" Santa asked. "Yeah." Ronny said. "Good Santa's got a special gift for you." he said laughing creepily. "Maybe we do." Dean said referring back to the question he asked earlier. The little boy and his mother left.
"Can I escort your child to Santa?" a woman in an elf costume asked. "No no but actually my brother here its a life long dream of his." Dean said. I giggled thankful he said Sam and not me. "Uh sorry no kids over 12." She said looking at him like a freak. "He's just kidding we only came to watch." Sam said. I slapped a hand over my mouth laughing. "Eww." she said backing away. "I-I didn't mean that we came here to w- Y- Thanks a lot, Dean. Thanks for that." Sam stuttered. The elf was gone and I was no doubled over in laughter. Sam glared at me. I sighed and stood up straight shaking my head. "Hey check it out." I said gesturing to Santa who was now limping away. "Are you seeing this?" I asked. "A lot of people walk with limps right?" Sam asked. "Tell me you didn't smell that. That was candy, man." Dean said. "That was ripple I think. Had to be." Sam said. "Maybe. We're willing to take that chance?" Dean asked.
Later that night we were spying on a house that Santa lives in. "What time is it?" Dean asked. "Same as the last time you asked. Here..." he handed Dean a thermos "Caffeinate." he said. Dean took the thermos from Sam and tried to pour coffee into a cup, but the thermos was empty. "Wonderful." he said then he scoffed "Hey, guys?" he asked "Yeah?" Sam and I both asked. "Why are you the two that hate Christmas?" he asked us. "Dean... " Sam said as I rolled my eyes. "I mean, Sam, I admit it. You know, we had a few bumpy holidays when we were kids." Dean said. "'Bumpy?'" Sam asked. "That was then. We'll do it right this year." Dean said. "Look, Dean. If you want to have Christmas, knock yourself out. Just don't involve me." Sam said. "Okay Scarlett what about you why don't you wanna do Christmas?" he asked. "It doesn't matter I just hate Christmas. You can count me out." I said. "Oh, yeah, that'd be great. Me and myself making cranberry molds." Dean scoffed.
We went back to watching the house and I saw Santa go over to the windows and close them "What's up with Saint Nicotine?" Dean asked. "Oh, my God!" we heard a woman scream.
We ran over to the door and drew our guns. "Huh." Sam said. "What?" Dean asked. "Nothing. It's just that, uh... well, you know, Mr. Gung Ho Christmas might have to blow away Santa." I giggled and then we ran in. We realized Santa was only watching TV and hid our guns behind our backs. Santa stood up "What the hell are you doing here?" he asked. I began to sing "S-Silent night holy night," the boys began to sing along, badly I might add. "All is calm all is bright." Sant a chuckled and as joined in. As we sang the boys kept messing up the lyrics. After the song we quickly left the house.
The next day I put on a black shirt that said "good girls are bad girls that haven't been caught" which is the course of a 5sos song, white skinny jeans, my 5sos painted converse, and a bunch of rubber bracelets.(pic in media) Of course Sam and Dean thought the shirt was funny.
We were now talking to a woman in her house, another man had gone up a chimney. "So that's how your son described the attack? "Santa took daddy up the chimney." ?" Dean asked the woman. "That's what he says." the woman replied. "And where were you?" Dean asked. "I was asleep when all of a sudden I was being dragged out of bed." She said sniffing. "Did you see the attacker?" Sam asked. She shook her head "It was dark and he hit me. Knocked me out." She said. I nodded "I'm sorry. I know this is hard." I said. "Yeah um, Mrs. Caldwell where did you get that wreath above the fireplace?" Sam asked the woman I looked over at it and back at Sam discombobulated. "Excuse me?" the woman asked in confusion. "Just curious you know." Sam said.
As we were walking down the steps in front of the house Dean asked "Wreaths, huh? Sure you didn't want to ask her about her shoes? I saw some nice handbags in the foyer." Dean stated. "We've seen that wreath before, Dean." Sam said. "Where?" Dean asked. "The Walshes' yesterday." Sam said. "I know I was just testing you." Dean said as we hopped into the Impala. Sam scoffed and I rolled my eyes. Gosh he's almost as bad as you. Bee said. I rolled my eyes again. Oh Bee how I hate you I thought to her. She scoffed and crossed her arms.
Whoop two updates on a row! I'm on fire!

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