Chapter 20: I Thank God For A Father's Love

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Father's day is tomorrow so when Sam said he was going to pick up some food while Dean stayed back I jumped at the chance to go with him. I climbed into the passenger seat of the impala and Sam started the car. "Father's day is tomorrow." I commented as we pulled out of the motel parking lot. "It is?" Sam asked. I nodded "I have no idea what to do for him. Most fathers just like home made cards and quality time but Deans not most fathers." I stated. Sam nodded "Honestly just saying happy fathers day would make Dean happy, although he wouldn't admit that." Sam replied. I nodded "Yeah and I could just get him some pie." Sam laughed and said "That would definitely make Dean happy." So after we drove to a close bakery and got like ten different pies.
I snuck them in and stuffed them in the fridge before Dean saw them and. Sam made sure to not let Dean near the fridge by getting the beers instead of Dean.
*Fathers Day*
I woke up before Dean and snuck to the fridge. I dug out all of the pies and set them on the small table. Sam also got up before Dean and we were talking when Dean slid out of bed and walked over. "What?" he asked confused. "Happy father's day." I grinned. "It's fathers day?" he asked. I nodded. He smiled and hugged me. "Selfie!" I yelled pulling out my phone. "What?" Sam and Dean both asked. "You don't know what a selfie is?" I asked. They both shook their heads. I laughed and held my phone out in front of me with the front camera on and snapped a pic of me with my tounge out. "That's a selfie." I said showing it to them. "I'm not taking a picture." Dean said. "Oh come on pleeeeeeeeeeeeeeeease." I begged doing my puppy dog face. Dean sighed and gave in." Dean, Sam, and I took several photos. Silly and normal. I made one with all of our tounges out my screen saver. My first fathers day I smiled.
Sorry super super short. I just really wanted to write this chapter the next on will be longer promise!

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