Chapter 22: And You Know We're On Each Other's Team

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The next day I bought Sam, Dean, and Cas tickets back to Canada where I live. We agreed that until we figure it out they'll live with Kate and I who I still haven't told.
I grabbed my bags off of the belt thing and we headed out to my car that was waiting in the parking lot. I said into the front seat Dean got shot gun and Sam and Cas jumped into the back. I turned my keys into the ignition and pressed a button making the roof of my car go back. Then I blared AC/DC and drove down the rode. Dean loved it. I'm not so sure about Sam and Cas but hey its my car.
Once we arrived at my house, the roof was up, and I had taken the keys out ceasing the music I noticed everyone in my car staring in awe at my mansion. "Sam, Dean, Cas, welcome to home sweet home." I smiled hopping out. They got out and followed me in.
"Kate!" I shouted once the door was closed. "What?!" I heard her yell running down the spiral staircase. Then she saw the boys "What are you guys dressing up as your characters now?" She asked peering at the trench coat Cas was wearing. "Cas, wings." I stated. Cas spread out his wings like the day before. "Ah, so real Sam, Dean, and Cas?" She asked. "Yup." I responded popping the P. "Cool." She stated. "That's it cool?" Dean asked. "Kate is really open minded. About literally everything. She's also very superstitious." I stated. She nodded. "Well I'll give you a tour of the house." u said. They all nodded. I showed them everything and came to the third floor. Guest rooms. "These are all guest rooms you can pick any one." I stated. They each found a room even Cas. "I thought angels didn't sleep." I said to Cas. "We don't but i need somewhere to stay when you are all asleep." Cas stated. "Good enough for me. Well tonight Jensen, Jared, and Misha are coming to chill. We need to go to the store and get you some clothes so you don't have to keep rewearing those." I stated. "We don't have any money." Dean stated. "Um, rich actress standing right in front of you!" I said sarcastically. "I can't take money from my daughter." Dean stated. I rolled my eyes "Dean, you are way to proud just come on." I walked down stairs with the guys.
After we got back from the store and Sam and Dean had clothes they put them in their rooms and changed. While they were changing I walked over to Cas who never changed out of that filthy trench coat I swear. "Cas have you tried using your powers?" I asked. "Yes. All I can do is spread my wings. I can't even fly." he said. "Do you think maybe it's because there are no angles here? So you have no power?" I asked. He looked at me surprised. "Yes actually that sounds very likely." he said. "So what are you going to do?" I asked. "I don't know." he sighed looking down. The boys came out and the doorbell rang. "We'll figure it out later come on." We all went downstairs. I opened the door and all three men were at the door. "Come in guys." I smiled they came in and made there way to the living room. "Hey, Kate." Jensen greeted Kate. "Hey Jen." She said he rolled his eyes. She called him Jen because it bugged him so much. Probably because it was a girl name. "You guys want a beer?" I asked. They all said yes and I went outside and got five beers and two Dr. Peppers. I gave one to Misha, Jensen, Jared, Dean, and Sam. I gave a Dr.Pepper to Kate and one for myself. They were in bottles and I could not get mine open. "Daaad." I whined. "What?" He asked. "I need help opening this." I stated still trying to open it. He chuckled and took it from me. He opened it easily and handed it back grinning. "I loosened it for you." i mumbled. He just laughed. I took a sip of it and closed it lightly so it wouldn't be to tight. "It's weird hearing you call someone that looks like me dad." Jensen stated. I shrugged "You here it when we're working." I said. "That's different." he said. I rolled my eyes. "Hey, we should show them a gag reel!" Kate exclaimed. "Yeah, we should!" Jared replied. "Gag reel?" Dean asked. "It hilarious here..." Kate ran to her room and emerged with her laptop which she quickly hooked up to the TV. Instead if a gag reel though she just put on a video that was like twenty minutes long of Supernatural cast funny moments.
We all laughed at ourselves and Sam and Dean made fun of me. Cas didn't laugh though because he didn't have a since of humor. Cas watched Misha funnily the whole time which made me laugh harder. After it was over Sam and Dean made more fun of me.
"You know what those two are impossible to work with they make my life hard." I huffed. Jared and Jensen laughed and Misha agreed.
We all chatted until we heard Cas "I can do it!" he said. "Do what?" I asked. "Take you back! All I needed was to recharge I can do it now." Cas said. "How do you know?" I asked. "I can feel it." he said emotionlessly. "Well, okay then." I stood up and so did Sam and Dean. Cas put a hand on my shoulder and a hand half on Dean's shoulder and half on Sam's we then flashed into our motel room from before.
"I'm going to miss being rich." I sighed. The guys laughed at me. "Well pack up we gotta go." Dean said. "What about the dimension queen?" I asked pulling my purple duffle bag onto the bed and throwing clothes in. "She's gone." Dean said. I frowned "Okay so on to the next case or do we search for her?" I asked. "She'll pop up later. New case." Dean said packing some guns. We finished packing and headed out. Cas was gone now. Onto the next adventure.

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