Chapter 28: I Was Stressed Out

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"Good morning my wonderful father." I said sitting down at the motel table.

"What do you want?" Dean asked looking suspicious. Sam watched us amused.

"I'm sixteen." I said.

"And?" Dean asked.

"And I'm old enough to get a drivers license." I said.

"And?" Dean asked again. I rolled my eyes.

"Will you teach me how to drive?" I asked. He shook his head.

"No. No way." he said.

"But daaaad." I whined.

"But Scarlett." he mocked me. I huffed.

"Oh come on Dean. Teach her how to drive." Sam said.

"No. To do that we'd have to use the impala I'm not risking that." he said. I frowned and made my eyes sad.

"So your car is more important than me?" I asked.

"Oh no. Don't-don't do that." he sighed frowning.

"No its fine. I understand." I sighed.

"Oh. Oh come on!" Dean looked at Sam hopelessly. Sam was trying to hide his mirth.

"Fine." he said. I grinned and jumped up.

"Yes thank you dad!" I squealed hugging him. He sighed.

"You're welcome." he said hugging me back.

"Look who's the pushover now." Sam said. I laughed.

"Shut up Sam." he said. Dean was always calling Sam a pushover because Sam pretty much never told me no. It was kind of funny.

"Alright let's go." Dean sighed standing up.

"Yay!" I squealed as we went out to the parking lot.

A few hours later

"You're a natural." Dean said as we walked back into the motel.

"I know! I bet no one else got driving down in just a few hours." I said.

"Dean did." Sam commented from the couch where he turned of the TV.

"Watching soap operas again Sam?" I asked. He rolled his eyes but didn't deny it. Then Dean dropped to the floor.

"Dad!" I shouted dropping to my knees. Sam ran over.

"Dean!?" he said shaking him. Then Dean gasped and opened his eyes.

"What happened?" I asked.

"It was Cas in my dreams. He needs to tell us something. Come on he gave me an address."

Later we arrived at an old wear house.

"What is it with us and wear houses?" I asked as we walked in.

"Cas was the one who chose the place." Dean said.

"I'm just saying it's so cliché." I said.

"What do you mean?" Sam asked.

"I mean it's like a horror movie. They always have abandoned wear houses." I said.

"Poltergeist didn't." Sam said.

"And several others." Dean added.

"I'm just saying." I said.

"So what did he say? What was so important?" Sam asked.

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