Chapter 31: I Don't Love You Like I Did Yesterday

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"Come on!" Dean shouted. We began to leave but the door slammed shut. We blocked our eyes as we were blinded by the light. We all fell to the floor on our knees. Then suddenly It was silent and I didn't see any light behind m closed eyelids. My eyes flew open and I realized I was on a plane. Sam and Dean were no where to be seen. I looked all around me. I was unable to find the guys. The plane landed at an airport and I watched people leave.

"Are you alright sweetie?" A flight attendant asked. I nodded smiling and slowly came out of the seat and into the airport. I felt my pockets for my phone. Nothing. I rushed over to the front desk.

"May I please you your phone?" I asked the woman. She smiled at me.

"Of course sweetheart. There's one on the wall right here you'll have to come around." She said. I nodded and began to walk around but stopped when I smelt it. Rotten eggs. Sulfur. I peered at the woman.

"Christo." I whispered. Not only her eyes but every other person around me eyes flashed back. My eyes widened and I backed up as the demons began advancing on me. I turned and ran as fast as I could the demons close behind. I stopped when I was surrounded.

"Get away from me." I spat.

"Why would we do that?" A girl asked in a fake sweet voice.

"Because if you touch me my dad and uncle will find you and make you regret it." I said. The woman looked at the demons with her.

"Hon, your dad and uncle are the reason we want you. Think of the price on your little Winchester head." She smirked. Another demon suddenly appeared next to the woman.

"Get away from her. Don't touch her." The man said in his Scottish accent.

"And why not?" The woman asked clearly angry.

"Because, are you stupid? This is Scarlett Winchester. She's got angels watching over her." The man barked at the woman. Her and the rest of the demons instantly stepped back from me.

"Who are you?" I asked.

"Crowley. King of the Crossroads." He said. I glared at him.

"Get the hell away from me." I ordered. He raised his eyebrows.

"I just saved you should be thanking me."

"You're king of the thing that got my boyfriend to sell his soul and my dad to go to hell sending me to an orphanage. I'm not a fan." I spat.

"We both know you would be dead if it weren't for your boyfriend selling his soul." I rolled my eyes and turned away from him.

"Goodbye." I said.

"See you soon, Scarlett Winchester." He said.

"For your sake I hope you're wrong." I said without turning around. He may have saved me but he has done way more harm then good.


I walked into the nearest gas station which was very close. I asked where I was and found out I was right next to Chucks place, so I called a cab and had them take me there. At least with Chuck I would e safe because of the arch angel and then Sam and Dean can pick me up. If they're even alive.

I knocked on Chucks door and to my surprise Dean answered.

"Scarlett." He said pulling me into a hug.

"What happened?" I asked after he let go.

"I don't know. Come in." He said I followed him into Chuck's living room.

"Scarlett." Both Chuck and Sam said when o walked in.

"I'm fine." I said.

"We were just about to go looking for you." Dean said. I nodded.

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