Chapter 56: It's A New Life

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About two months later:

I sat on my bed with my back against the side wall in my wonderful room, meaning I wasn't at the head of the bed I was on the side since my bed was pressed against the wall. Lisa had helped me decorate it, she was so excited about it too, apparently she's always wanted a daughter to do this stuff with. My bed sat in the corner of the room, next to it was a white, marble, desk and a blue rolley chair that my best friend, Ryder, now sat on with his feet sitting on the desk and my guitar in his hands, he was just messing with it, not playing anything. Band posters littered two of the walls the walls so much it looked as if my walls were posters. The two walls that weren't covered in posters were painted a light purple on one and a light blue on the other. Next to my desk sat my guitar stand. A TV sat in front of my bed, which I had saved up for, just like the lap top that had sat on my desk before Ryder's feet invaded it and I put it on my bed. My other friend, Kalie, sat in another rolley chair she pulled from another room some where, by the bed. Amy, another friend sat next to me.

Kalie had midnight black hair that went to her shoulders with blood red peekaboos, I love her hair. She has beautiful blue green eyes that pop at you. She normally wears clothes that were the more casual version of my old get up, soft black jeans and dark T-shirts normally with bands or some sarcastic remark on them. She's almost two years younger then Ryder, Amy, and I, I met her in my art class that's full of people from different grades, she's a freshman.

Amy is also a junior. She's super skinny and has long, thick, wavy beautiful brown hair that went a few inches below her breasts. She was the opposite of Kalie. She's more on the girls side with her style, and she's very innocent, she's more innocent then even Kalie.

Ryder, my best friend, has dark brown floppy hair and deep brown eyes. He's your typical, cliché, best guy friend. He's funny and kind and responsible, he's there for me when I need him, and he respects me. I love him like a brother.

"This study thing isn't really going as planned, is it?" I asked pointing to the notebook that sat in front of me. We had gotten off topic, again, and started talking about how much we can't stand Mr. Grey.

"Does it ever?" Kalie asked. I shrugged.

"Guess not." I said.

"Maybe if the teacher wasn't such a douche we would have a higher will to study." Ryder commented.

"Ha, whatever Ryder, you never study, even for the teachers you like." I said. He shrugged and just continued to mess with my guitar.

"Don't break my guitar." I said.

"I won't." He said. There was a knock and I looked up to see Dean knocking on the open door.

"Are you guys getting anything done?" He asked already knowing the answer.

"Nope." I said.

"You better not fail that test." He said pointing at me. I snickered. Dean trying to be like a normal dad is just an amusing concept to me.

"You got it." I said. He just rolled his eyes knowing that I still wasn't going to study.

"I'm picking up some Chinese you guys want anything?" he asked. We all told him what we wanted.

"Sheesh don't your parents feed you people?" Dean asked after they all ordered.

"They do. Just my mom's vegan meals." Kalie said sticking a tongue out, disgusted. Dean made a gross face.

"I feel horrible for your poor soul." I said putting a hand on my heart. She rolled her eyes.

"I always eat here." Ryder shrugged. He practically lives here. His parents are always fighting so he tries to get away as much as possible.

"My parents don't feed me." Amy joked.

"I'm calling CPS." Dean said. We all laughed and he rolled his eyes and walked away.

"Study!" He called behind him causing us to laugh more.

"Your dad is great." Kalie said.

"Yeah he thinks so." I said with an eye roll. Then Ben walked in.

"What ya doing?" He asked.

"Pretending to study." I answered Ben and I had a close sister brother relationship, I didn't mind him coming I to my room when the door was open, if it was closed he had to knock.

"Cool, what ya studying?" He asked.

"The meaning of life." Kalie said. I laughed.

"History." I answered.

"Cool I love History." Ben said.

"Weirdo." Ryder, Amy, Kalie, and I said.

"jinx." Ben and I both shouted.

"You can't jinx it you didn't say it! I win!" I said. Everyone laughed.


"Did any of you actually get anything done?" Lisa asked as we sat in the living room eating Chinese food. We were about to pick a movie to watch.

"No." we all said. She just laughed and I took the remote from Ben.

"God, kid, you're so slow." I teased. He just laughed and I chose a Star Wars movie.

"God, not your nerd movies!" Kalie complained.

"Nerd movie?! What this is the best movie ever!" Dean commented.

"No." she said.

"Fine." I said and then I chose an old Western movie. Everyone just shrugged as we watched it. This was my new life. It was nice and easy and simple and normal and great. I still miss Sam, Alex, Mary, Bobby, and Angel. I still miss Jo and Ellen. I still miss people that have died or been taken out if my life but I'm getting used to it. I actually like school and my friends are amazing. It's nice that the most stress I get is I procrastinated on an essay. Sure, it's stressful as hell, but not as stressful as finding and killing the devil. My new life is great.

This is kind of setting up future chapters and characters and stuff. Hope you liked the fluff!

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