Chapter 3: You're Such a Pretty, Pretty, Pretty, Face

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So apparently Sam and Dean liked waiting till night to do things like exorcism so for now we were waiting. I learned that the demon was taking residence in a 13 year old girls body and her parents were worried sick about her.
There was a knock on the door and I answered it to see my best friend Anna from school in her cheerleading outfit. (A/N Pic in media is Anna) Anna was completely different from me and the people I usually hung it with but she was an exception because she's been like my sister since kindergarten. "Anna how are you here?" I asked. "Magic." She replied pushing past me and walking in. I rolled my eyes and closed the door. As she walks in the spots Sam and Dean and whistled. The both looked up at her curiously and she turned to me "Wow you have hit family members." She said. "Anna!" I said feeling my cheeks turn red. "Sorry, babe, it's the truth." I rolled my eyes and Sam and Dean chuckled. "Hey." Anna said. "Hi. " Dean said checking her out. I was grossed out. My dad checking out the girl that was pretty much my sister. "Oh my gosh Anna please leave." I groaned. She giggled "I gotta go to practice anyway. See ya!" She then walked out the door.
"Who was that?" Dean asked. "Oh my gosh." I said not answering him. "Well I'm gonna go get so burgers." Sam said getting up. "Get some pie!" Dean and I said at the same time. Sam rolled his eyes and walked out the door.
A few hours later I was helping Sam and Dean with an exorcism. It was really easy the demon was clueless when she walked under the Devils trap. Sam said the words and black smoke shot out of the girls mouth and into the air.
The girl stumbled and St and Dean ran over to her. "Are you okay?" Dean asked. She nodded "Yeah... Who are you? Where am I? Where are my parents?" She asked. "They're at your house we'll take you there." Sam said. Once she was home and save we went back to the hotel and Dean told me to pack because we would be leaving in the morning.
Authors note: i know this I a really really short and crappy Chapter but it's the fourth time I've had to write it so I was just ready to move on. The next chapter should come soon though because I have some ideas! Love you guys!

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