Chapter 12: I'm Done With Plastic Promises

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***Warning Chapter gets sappy Lol.***
Scarlett's POV:
I woke up and sighed. Saturday morning. I rolled out of my super uncomfortable bed and moved to the bathroom. I put on a white shirt, leather jacket, ripped black skinny jeans, and black boots. When I walked out I got a few snickers. It's been 3 and half months you think I'd be use to being back in an orphanage. Yeah you heard me right. Orphanage.
After Dean died Sam started to to crazy. He took us everywhere. Trying to make deals with every cross roads demon ever. No one wanted to take Sam's deals. I begged Sam to stop but he never listened. One night I fell asleep in the car and woke up in an orphanage. The orphanage lady told me he had carried me in and left. He didn't even leave my clothes.
So rage. That's all I ever felt anymore. All the depression and sadness that was normally there was still there but out done by the rage and hatred. No happiness. Ever. If Sam ever showed up again i don't know what i would do. Once I woke up in the orphanage I never said more than 2 or 3 words to a person at once. People tried though. The adults here were better than the last orphanage. They sent me to several therapists and everything. Apparently my anxiety had gotten worse. Yeah I have anxiety. Sam and Dean didn't know because I stole the files Maggie had given them and burned them. They thought they had lost them. So now I take depression and anxiety pills. I had nightmares most nights. I was miserable. I wish I had never met Sam and Dean. At least I wasn't as messed up before them. Now there's no saving me.
3rd person POV:
After Bobby, Dean and Sam talked and Sam said he didn't bring Dean back and he didn't know what did.
"Where's Scarlett?" Dean asked. Sam shifted uncomfortably. "Sam." Dean said thinking something happened to her. "An orphanage." Sam whispered barely audible, but Dean heard. "What? Why?" he asked harshly.
Scarlett was asleep in the back of the impala. Sam knew she wasn't safe with him. He wasn't dangerous but he was so lost in grief and trying to get Dean back and wanting revenge on Lilith he was a toxin to be around. He couldn't take care if her. He couldn't provide for her. He couldn't even take care of himself. Even though Scarlett was very capable of taking care if herself he needed to be sure. He drove to an orphanage.
Luckily Scarlett was a heavier sleeper than even Dean, even with her night mares. He carried her to the door and knocked with his toe. After a minute a woman, who had obviously just woke up, opened the door. She frowned when she saw Scarlett and glared at Sam. She opened the door further and pointed to the couch. Sam set her down. "I'm sorry, Scarlett." he whispered. She stirred and he quickly left forgetting her bags and driving away in Dean's beloved car.
"She wasn't safe with me and she was getting in the way of bringing you back." Sam said honestly. Dean punched him. "You mean to tell me you left my baby girl in an orphanage! When I trusted you to take care of her?!" he asked in a fit of rage. Sam was taken back by the words baby girl but he ignored them. "Dean what was I supposed to do I wasn't in my right kind it was for the best!" Sam shouted back. "What orphanage?" Dean asked harshly. Sam told him and Bobby, Sam, and Dean left to get her.
Dean was angry about the iPod thing in the car but more angry about Scarlett so he took it three it an began driving with a guilty Sam sitting next to him.
When they got there they ran in and Sam went to the woman from before. She glared at him. "What do you want?" She spat words like venom. "Scarlett we've come to get her back." Sam said. "She's not going to go anywhere with you she hates your sorry ass." the woman said. "That's why she's coming with me." Dean stated. The woman put a hand on her hip "She's at the library once you find her bring her here and we'll get the papers filled out. Poor girl." She stated mumbling the last thing.
When they went to the library they saw her. She wasn't reading anything or on any of the computers she was curled up in a bean bag alone with both headphones in and silent tears rolling down her face. She looked up when the men walked over to her. Dean had never seen her cry. Sam had, after Dean died, and he felt bad. Her eyes went wide and she pulled her head phones out of her ears. She stood up and passed Dean and Bobby and went over to Sam. She punched him. Then she punched him again. Then she put her hands down. Sam was only a little surprised and she walked over to Dean.
Scarlett's POV:
"A-are you real?" I asked Dean quietly. He nodded. I hugged him and began to bawl uncontrollably and shaking he hugged me back. "Shh it's okay." he whispered. It wasn't expected he normally wasn't like this but I was greatful for it. "You," gasp "Were," gasp "D-dead." I sobbed into him. "I know baby its okay." he soothed. After a minute I calmed down. "You've got to get me out of that orphanage, Dad." I said. "Dad?" he asked. "Oh, Um, sorry." I said looking down. "No its okay, I like it." he said. I looked up at him and smiled and we left the library so Dean could sign some papers. Once he was done signing things Miss Joy did something I had prayed she wouldn't. "So make sure she's taking her pills." She said. "Pills?" Dean asked confused. "Depression and anxiety pills yes. You need to read her file." She said. "What?!" Sam and Dean both asked. I groaned. Miss Joy hugged me and whispered "If you ever need anything call me sweet hear. Good luck." I smiled up at her. "Thanks but I'll be fine... Unless I end up in jail because I ripped Sam's head off." I said loud enough for Sam to hear. She chuckled and we left.
"Scarlett." Sam began as we were walking back to the impala "I hate you!" I said cutting him off. He was surprised "I-I'm sorry, Scarlett it was a mistake." he said. "Save it." I said then I jumped in the car and slammed the door. Dean glanced at me in the rear view mirror but didn't say anything about Sam. Judging by Sam's black eye I assume Dean was also mad at him. "So Dean how are you here?" I asked. "We don't know. It wasn't Sam." Dean stated. "Bobby knows someone who could help though we're going to go see her." Dean stated. "Okay." I said. Then u out in my head phones and leaned back. It's good to be back in the impala with Dean.
Sorry I know Deans character was way off and it was kind of sappy but I really wanted it to be... Lol hope you enjoyed I LOVED writing this chapter!

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