Chapter 57: We'll Be Counting Stars

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I put my hair up in a bun and put on sweatpants, a black cami, and rubber bracelets, since Ben didn't know about my cutting issues, Lisa did but she knew because she's kind of like my second mom should she needed to. I put my hair in a bun and after watching my face, walked down the stairs.

"You need to get new friends." Dean joked when I arrived. They all left like an hour ago.

"Why? What's your problem with my friends?" I asked grabbing an apple and taking a bite.

"They're annoying." He said.

"Looks like you guys have something in common." I teased. He chuckled slightly with an eye roll. We both looked at the time. 11:45.

"You need to go to bed." He said. I sighed biting my lip. We did this every night, normally he tried to make me go to bed sooner but tonight my friends were over kind of late.

"Dad..." I sighed.

"I know you don't want to but you have too." He said. I didn't bother fighting as much as I normally do. I had nightmares every night. I stopped waking up screaming like I used to so Dean never came in but he knows that I still get them. He knows that's why I don't want to sleep.

"Fine. Goodnight." I said. He nodded and I went up the stairs, tossing my apple in the trashcan as I went. When I arrived up the stairs I let my hair down took off my bracelets and crawled into my bed. Sleep, sadly took over the moment my head hit the pillow.

I sat with Kalie in my room going over the notes we took in class.

"This is ridiculous." I groaned laying my head down on the notebook.

"Tell me about it." I heard her sneer in a way I had never heard before. I looked up to see that her normal blue green eyes and changed to a deep midnight black. They were cold and soulless. I hopped up and she began to laugh. This dream was brand new.

"You think you could get away from us that easily, Winchester?" she laughed maniacally standing up.

"Try again." she smirked. Then came in Ryder and Amy, with the same black eyes. Then Alex, Angel, Bobby, Ellen, Jo, and even Sam, all with black eyes.

"You can't defeat us on your own." Angel growled.

"Dad!" I screamed for him to come help me.

"Your daddy can't help you." Kalie hissed.

"Why wouldn't he?" I asked.

"Cause he's right here." Dean stepped out, matching the rest of the demons eye color. I gasped and they all advanced on me.

"Stop! STOP!" I screeched.

Dean's POV:

I woke up to the sound of Scarlett calling my name. Lisa sat up too looking St me worriedly.

"Dad!" she screamed. She hadn't had a nightmare where she screamed I name long time, and normally her scream for me didn't sound like this. Normally it was more like a wale, it was like something happened to me and she couldn't stop it. Once she told me about her dream and that was the case, plus my dreams were usually of Sammy and her both dying or getting sucked into the pit. This was different though. This was urgent and frightened and real.

"Stop! STOP!" I heard her scream and I flew out of bed grabbing the gun underneath the bed and rushing up the stairs and busting in her room, only to find that she was thrashing uncontrollably in bed. I didn't have to go closer to see the tears coming down her face and the sweat all over her bed. She was screaming stop over and over. I put down the gun and rushed over. I shook her until she woke up. She screamed again.

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