Chapter 52: Through The Years We All Will Be Together

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Scarlett's POV:

I held up the camcorder and had it faced towards me.

"It is Christmas Eve here at the Winchester/Singer household and the whole fam is here. Me. Mary my daughter." I pointed the camera down to my daughter. "Angel my lil sissy." I turned the camera to Angel who was sitting next to me sipping hot cocoa. "Uncle Sammy." I said pointing it across the room to Sam. He smiled. I then turned it to Bobby. "Bobbbbbyyyyyy." I said. He rolled his eyes. I pointed it to Alex "Ma baby daddy." I said pointing it to Alex. He threw up a peace sign and I laughed. I turned the camera around the room.

"And Dean isn't here, I guess the whole fam isn't here." I sighed. A couple days ago Castiel said he sent Dean on some task, he didn't tell us what, Dean's still not back. Just then Dean walked in next to Cas. I sat up and so did everyone else.

"And there is Dean! My father! And his boyfriend Cas!" I teased. Dean made a disgusted face when I said that.

"Stop it Dean! Out of the closest! Destiel is real and you know it!" Angel teased. (A/N: Don't get your hopes up btw I ship Destiel but it's not going to be in this book)

"Destiel?" Cas asked.

"Dean and Castiel merged." I explained.

"Okay, let stop that mess now." Dean said. By the way I'm recording all of this. Becca appeared and I turned the camera on her.

"Becca! It's been a while half demon half ghost!" I said.

"Are you recording me?" she asked.

"YASSSS. Say hello." I said.

"Hello!" she waved.

"Who the hell are you?" Angel asked.

"I'm Becca, a half demon half angel, I'm friends of the Winchesters. Who are you?" Becca asked.

"Angel. Bobby's daughter." Angel said.

"Nice." Becca said. Then it was silent and Becca looked down.

"What's up?" I asked concerned.

"C-can I spend Christmas with you guys? I don't have any family to spend it with." She sighed. I smiled.

"Oh course Becca you're always welcome!" I said.

"Yeah, you're great you don't even have to ask." Sam said. I smiled. Then Becca looked over at Mary.

"Oh my gosh a baby! Who's is she?! Why is she here? She so adorable! And who is that guy over there?" she asked pointing to Alex. I checked at the fact she's now realizing everything.

"She's mine. That guy over there is my baby daddy. He's also a vampire so this lil one is half vampire half human. Luckily, according to Cas, human is dominant so no blood for her." I said. Becca's eyes were wide. She grinned and ran over.

"I'm an aunt! Can I hold her?! Pleeease!?" she begged. I laughed and handed her over. Becca held her gently and correctly. I smiled and looked around the room at my family. This is great.


"Why are we doing this?" Dean complained.

"Because it's Christmas eve." I said.

"That doesn't mean anything." Dean, said. I rolled my eyes. We were walking around a neighborhood and looking at all the lights. I was pushing Mary in a stroller while holding Alex's hand. We were walking in a group.

"Come on Dean! Look at how pretty all the lights are!" I said.

"What's so great about looking at lights?" He asked.

"Dean, where were you?" I asked. Random subject change I know but it's been eating at me.

"Doesn't matter." He said.

"Dean." Everyone insisted.

"Fine. I was with Cassie. And three almost four year old you." He said.

"What?" I asked confused.

"You heard me. You were young which is why you probably don't remember." He said. I thought really hard and find myself diving into memories.

I'm De- your, uh, daddy

Cassie I can take care of her

Cas! Don't hurt her!

My eyes widened.

"No! No, I remeber!" I said.

"You normally can when you try. Wow, that's insane. Why?" Sam asked.

"I was just looking looking at Scarlett's baby pictures and Cas flashed me to the past." He muttered shaking his head.

"That's weird." I said. Everyone nodded agreeing. Mary began to cry.

"Sssshhh. Mary, calm down." I said softly. She continued to cry. We all stopped and I pulled her out of the stroller. Alex pushed it as I walked with her trying to calm her down.

"We need to go home I think she's hungry." I said. So we turned around and rushed home.


We arrived and I went into my room. I don't share with Alex cause Dean refused. Mine is right next to Dean's and Alex's is right next to Sam's. I covered myself up. There was a knock.

"You can come in. I'm breast feeding but I'm all covered." I said. Dean opened the door.

"Are you okay?" He asked.

"Yeah. Why?" I asked confused.

"Just, what I told you and stuff." He said. I shrugged.

"It's weird but I'm fine." I said.

"What happened when you woke up the next morning?" He asked.

"I asked for you. Mom said you left I asked if you were coming back she said it was unlikely. I asked every day until eventually I forgot. Mom started dating Steve, my step dad, and life went on." I said. He nodded.

"Steve. That was his name." Dean sakd angrily. I nodded sighing.

"Yup." I said.

"Well. I'll let you get back to that." He said disgusted I chuckled as he left.


I walked downstairs after putting a sleeping Mary in her crib. Everyone was around the fire laughing. I walked into the kitchen and made some hot cocoa before walking into the living room.

"Yeah! And the lady cane out! And she started screaming at us and Scarlett was just like "We're just giving you supplies to clean up the mess you are!" and we ran! It was hilarious!" Becca laughed telling them the story of when we TPed a house.

"We were the best. Honestly I don't think was I said was that funny but ya know. Everyone laughed so score!" I said.

"I want to do that." Angel said.

"We'll have to take you out sometime." I said. Everyone laughed. I was on the couch leaned into Alex who had his arm around me. We were all in places that was kind of like a circle so it was easy to talk. We laughed a lot and told old stories. It was great. Really and truly great. I couldn't ask for a better family.

Authors note:

Happy F-ing Holidays you beautiful creatures! It's still like 70 degrees out here in Texas! It's crazy! It's not Christmas! Like wtf why is it so hot! Ugh. Why. Why. Why. It should not be so damn hot. Ugh. Love you guys! Remeber if you need to talk on Christmas message me I swear I understand and I will talk to you! I know what it's like to feel out of place and alone when you're with family so please message me if you need! Also, for those of you with eating disorders, I know Christmas has a lot of food and sweets. Please relax and enjoy it! You deserve it! Enjoy what you're eating and treat yourself right afterwards. I believe in you! Love you guy so incredibly much I'm always here if you need to talk!

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