Chapter 24: It Feels Like A Perfect Night

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I silently stepped down the stairs of my house hoping my step dad was still sleeping. The stench of alcohol and cigarettes hitting my nostrils making me want to gag. I stepped off the last step and looked up. My step dad was standing there a sick smirk on his face that gave me the chills. "Hello, birthday girl." he said in a sickly sweet voice. "Wow. Thirteen. Practically an adult. I have the perfect present." he grinned. "N-no th-thank you I don't n-need a g-gift." I stuttered fear controlling me. "Oh no. I insist. My gift to you is experience." he said. I had a feeling I knew what he meant and I almost threw up. He had always mentally and physically abused me. How far was he willing to go this time. "Come in doll. Let's go." he grinned. I backed away and he came close. I tired to run buy he grabbed my hair and pushed me against the wall. He slapped me "Come on girl!" he threw my body over his shoulder and took me up the stairs and to his bedroom.
Dean's POV:
I woke up to Scarlett screaming. So did Sam. We glanced at each other and I ran over to her bed and sat down. I began shaking her. "Scarlett wake up its just a night mare." I called. Finally her eyes opened and she saw me. She shot up in bed and scrambled to the wall at the back. "Scarlett, baby, it's me." I tired. She looked over me with terrified eyes and then recognition flashed over her features. She came towards me and wrapped her arms around me. "Daddy." She sobbed. "It's okay baby girl I'm here." I assured her rubbing her back. "It was just a dream." I told her.
Scarlett's POV:
I woke up and groaned recalling last night and the date. My birthday. You can guess why I hate my birthday. I sat up and pushed the covers off me.
"Morning." I greeted. Sam and Dean watched me cautiously as I sat down at the table and took a doughnut out of the box. Then Dean smiled "Happy Birthday!" he exclaimed. I dropped my doughnut "How did you know today was my birthday?" I asked. "Your file." Dean shrugged. "Okay..." I sighed. "So where do you want to go? You get to choose were celebrating. After all its sweet sixteen right?" Dean asked. "I don't care where we go or what we do as long as we drop the celebrating plans. I hate my birthday." I stated. "What? Why?" Dean asked. I shrugged "I just do. It's so stupid like who really cares about the day I was born?" I lied. Dean watched me carefully "What is this about Scarlett?" Dean asked me. "Nothing I just don't want to celebrate." I told him. "That's not good enough for me I'm going to need a better excuse." Dean said. "I don't want to you can't make me." I said. "I'm your father." he said. I rolled my eyes. "That's not a fair card to play. You cheated." I said. He rolled his eyes. "Scarlett, why don't you want to celebrate?" he asked. "Because." I said getting frustrated. "I just don't understand. Who doesn't want to celebrate their birthday?" Dean asked. "Me." I replied getting really angry. Dean is acting like a child. "Come in, Scar, tell me." we kept going back and forth. Sam tried to stop Dean but Dean ignored him. Finally I was finished "Because my birthday is also the anniversary of me getting raped!" I shouted standing up. I gasped and Dean went silent. I ran outside and slid down the wall next to the motel door.
I brought my knees up and wrapped my arms around them putting my head down. My body was shaking from full out sobs. The door opened and someone sat down next to me. I ignored their presence until whoever it was, Sam or Dean, wrapped their arm around my shoulders. I leaned into whoever it was I kept bawling. "Scarlett, sweety, we don't have to celebrate it's fine." Dean said kissing the top of my head. I looked up at him. I made a decision "No. No I'm done letting him control my life. Let's celebrate let's go to Florida. It's where all my friends are." I said. Dean nodded and stood up. I took his hand and he helped me up.
After we packed up we were in the road. I had a feeling this birthday was going to last a but longer than a day since Florida is like 7 hours away from where we were. I was sitting in the back of the car when Becca appeared next to me. "You alright?" She asked. "Long time no see." I joked elbowing her. "Sorry about that. But seriously are you gonna be okay?" he asked quietly. "Yeah. I've actually decided to celebrate." I said. "Really? What are we doing?" She asked. "I talked Sam and Dean into getting to motel rooms. I'm going to invite some of my old friends to come into one with me while the guys take the other one and have a small slumber party. I grinned. "Ooh really? That's surprising! Am I invited?" She asked. "Of course! As long as you promise not to do any demony or ghost things..." I traoled off. "Wait how come you are like both a demon and a ghost?" I asked. She winked. "I'll tell you later." She said. I sighed. Then I thought of something. "Hey Sam?" I asked. "Yeah?" he asked from shotgun. "Do you still have that iPod jack?" I asked. "Yeah give me a second." after a moment he tossed it to me. "Dean?" I asked. He groaned "Only because it's your birthday." he finally said. I grinned and put my iPad on a playlist and plugged it into the jack. I then handed it to Sam. He put it in the car and pressed shuffle on the playlist. Missing You by All Time Low came on and Dean turned it up. "I heard that you've been
Self-medicating in the quiet of your room,Your sweet, suburban tomb.
And if you need a friend,
I'll help you stitch up your wounds.
I heard that you've been
Having some trouble finding your place in the world.
I know how much that hurts,
But if you need a friend
Then please just say the word...You've come this far,
You're all cleaned up,
You've made a mess again,
There's no more trying,
Time to sort yourself out...Hold on tight,
This ride is a wild one,
Make no mistake,The day will come when you can't cover up what you've done,
Now don't lose your fight, kid,
It only takes a little push to pull on through,With so much left to do;
You'll be missing out, and we'll be missing you." Becca and I sang at the top of our lungs while the guys laughed at us. After that song finished Becca asked Sam to hand her the iPod. He did and Becca did an evil, evil, thing. "This song is what are you so scared of by Tonight Alive. The lead singer and songwriter is Scarlett Winchester. (A/N songs actually is by Tonight Alive but obviously Scarlett isn't the lead singer lol)
" she said handing the iPod to Sam. "No! Don't you dare play that song Sam!" I ordered. "Play it, Sam!" Dean ordered. Sam played it.
"Well its the sad truth living with these hungry hands,
It's a shame we don't know how much we have
were scars of what we do not know
No matter where we wanna go
wait for it to find you to find you
But the truth is far behind you now
time to sing it out loud
what are you so scared of?
Judgements not unfair
it's what we've learned to see!
What are you afraid of?
This is not unheard of!
Nothing's how it wasn't always meant to be, always meant to be
and you can't go on thinking that your so hard done by
Don't pretend you work so hard just scraping by
its not a crime to see a light
It doesn't mean you sleep better at night
It's not a crime to wear a smile
so what are you so scared of?
Judgements not unfair,
it's what we've learned to see!
What are you afraid of?
This is not unheard of!
Nothing's how it wasn't always meant to be, always meant to be.
I used to be scared I use to be like you
I used to care then I came unglued
Well its something we all have to learn to do
I used to care then I came unglued.
Unglued. "
the song began to finish and I cheered." Yes it's over!" I cried. Everyone laughed. "Scarlett, that was good!" Sam exclaimed. I blushed. "Thanks." I muttered.
*several several hours later*
I was sitting there with Becca, Kennedy, and Anna. We were in a circle on the floor and junk food surrounded us and sat in the middle of us. We were playing truth or dare. "Dare." I said. "I dare you to prank call Ms.Agatha." Kennedy said. "Done! Anyone have the phone number?" I asked. Kennedy nodded and typed it in my phone "I memorized it for this purpose." She laughed. I giggled and called her with a blocked number. "Hello?" he obnoxious voice answered. I cleared my throat and began talking in a adult like voice "Excuse me is this Agatha?" I asked not knowing her last name. "Depends on who's asking." She grunted. "I'm Sierra Blue and I just wanted to tell you that I know what you and my husband did last night and I'm not happy about it." I said pretending to be really angry. "Excuse me?" he asked. "You heard me! How dare you put your hands on my husband! I'm getting a restraining order! I'm going to get that orphanage of yours taken away from you you shouldn't be around children! Your a wicked wicked woman!" I ended the call and we all burst into giggles. "Alright let's play kiss, kill, or screw!" Anna exclaimed. "Yes!" I agreed. "Okay ill start." Becca said. "This one is for Anna and Kennedy because I would never do this to you, Scarlett." Becca said. I raised an eyebrow but didn't say anything. "Kennedy, Anna, Kiss, kill, or screw. Sam Winchester, Dean Winchester, and Kyle Brown." I laughed and blushed. Kyle Brown was this kid that went to our school who was so weird and gross. "Kiss Sam, Screw Dean, kill Kyle." Anna said. Kennedy nodded "Switch Sam and Dean keep Kyle at kill." She laughed. "Yeah I that's hard. I would match up with Anna." Becca said. Then we heard male laughing and turned. Becca, Kennedy, and Anna's faces matched the color of a tomato. I laughed like crazy. "How long have you been there?" Becca asked. "Honestly, really long, we walked in the middle of the prank call." Dean said tossing me the bag of movies. The girls groaned I laughed harder. "Stop. Stop it hurts." I laughed. Everyone rolled their eyes and the men left.
I pulled Insidious 1 out. "Horror movie marathon!" I shouted. Anna groaned but the other girls cheered. Becca plopped on the couch and out her legs out to save me a seat so I could put the movie on, pop more popcorn, and get the ice cream out of the freezer. After everything was read I grabbed the remote and sat on the couch. "What movies do we have?" Becca asked before I pressed play. "All three insidious's, The call, Oculus, Annabelle, and a few others." I replied. "Alright let's get our scare on!" Becca cheered. I giggled and pressed play.
Dean's POV: Back up time some
"Honestly, really long, we walked in the middle of the prank call." I answers Scarlett throwing her the bag. Her friends groaned causing her to laugh really hard. "Stop! Stop it hurts!" She laughed. Sam and I rolled out eyes and walked out and into our room across from theirs.
"I don't think I've ever seen her laugh like that." I sighed sitting down at the small table. "She's definitely much happier than normal." Sam said. "But don't get any ideas. She would be miserable if we left her here. Not happy." he said. I nodded "I would never ever leave her. I won't let her be alone ever again. And If something happens to me and you pull the same crap you pulled last time I will find away to come back just so I can kill you." I said. Sam frowned and shook his head "No. I regret that. That was wrong." he said. I nodded "Good."
Authors note:
Sorry about all the filler Chapters but trust me next one I'll have some season 4 action! I promise! What Are You So Scared of in media. I love Tonight Alive they rock! Love you guys!

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