Chapter 39: She's Waiting For Superman

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That pic tho ^^^

Angel's POV:

As I walked to Biology four people surrounded me. The halls were pretty empty now and the bell rang. It was just us five. One of which was a teacher. I was confused enough already without there eyes flashing black, but they did. My eyes widened and I tried to run and I ended up getting away but they chased me. I whipped out my phone and luckily Scarlett was on speed dial. I called her but the demons cornered me so I just shoved it in my back pocket without hanging up.

"Who are you?" I asked my voice shaky.

"Ask your daddy." Said a girl with long brown hair.

"Wha-what do you mean?" I asked.

"Oh, just that everyone around you has been lying and keeping secrets. Don't worry, doll, we'll tell you everything." Said the teacher who was a man. Then they advanced on me.

Scarlett's POV:

"Don't you think she should know what she's getting into?!" I asked angrily.

"No, girl, it's dangerous!" Bobby said.

"Bobby, she lives with you! She's in danger no matter what happens!" I said.

"Bobby's right. Let's keep her in as little danger as possible and not tell her." Dean said calmly.

"No! She's in more danger not knowing! At least this way she can be on guard! We can even teach her enough to protect herself if needbe!" I said.

"Dont be an idgit!" Bobby snarled. I was about to speak when my phone rang. I took it out and saw it was Angel. I answered it.

"Hello." I said. She didn't answer I heard shuffling.

"Who are you?" I heard Angel's muffled voice.

"Ask your daddy." I heard a girl say.

"What do you mean?" Angel asked.

"Oh, just that everyone around you has been lying and keeping secrets. Don't worry, doll, we'll tell you everything." a man's voice said. I heard her scream and I hung up.

"Good going! She's in danger!" I shouted. We all ran out to the impala. Sam and I in the back Dean driving with Bobby in shot gun.

"Hurry up you idgit!" you can guess who said that.

Angel's POV:

I screamed and closed my eyes waiting for an impact. None came. Actually I heard loud hissing and shouts. My eyes flew open. Chris was throwing water and salt at the things making then hiss. Then he stabbed them with a long silver dagger type thing. They lit up an orange color and died. I looked at then in horror. Then at Chris.

"Are you okay?" he asked.

"I don't actually think so. Hold on, I have to call my sister." I said. I didn't mean to call her sister it just kind of slipped out.

"No you can't tell her what you just saw! She won't believe you anyways." Chris said. I ignored him and dialed her number pressing the phone to my ear. When it rang I looked at him.

"I called her right as they came to me I'm just letting her know I'm okay." I said. He nodded.

"Hello?! Angel?! Are you okay?! Is this a demon. Let her go you black eyed son of a bitch!" Scarlett shouted.

"No, Scarlett, it's me. Did you just say demon? How did you know they had black eyes? Scarlett, have you been keeping secrets from me?" I asked. I heard her sigh.

"Please, don't be quick to judge. We're coming to pick you up and I'll explain everything." she said. I just sighed.

"Okay." I replied giving her the benefit of the doubt.

"Thank you." she then hung up. I walked down the stairs and Chris came with me.

"She knew it was a demon? How?" He asked.

"I don't know she said she's going to tell me." I said.

"Let me walk down with you to make sure you're okay." Chris said.

"Chris, I appreciate that but I don't think it's a good idea." I said.

"Why?" he asked.

"Honestly? I don't know, it just feels like a bad idea." I said. He sighed thought about it and then stopped me.

"Give me your phone." he said. I did so after typing in the password. He out in his humber and handed it back to me.

"You better text me when your done talking to your family and tell me everything. I need to make sure you're safe." he said. I nodded and he left.

"Okay. Just one question. Why do you care? All my life no one has ever really cared about me until I met my real dad, Scarlett, and her family, and that's hard for me to believe. Why do you care?" I asked.

"Because, I'm just a caring guy." he said throwing his hands up. He then turned around and left. I watched him curiously and shook my head. After Scarlett explains I'm going to make him explain. He probably knows for the same reason Scarlett does. I walked into the office right at the same time Bobby, Sam, Dean, and Scarlett did. Wow, they all care about me?

"Angel!" Scarlett ran over and hugged me. I hugged her back as Bobby checked me out and we all walked out.

"Hold on." I said before anyone got into Dean's beloved car. They all looked at me expectantly.

"I'm not going anywhere until someone tells me what happened in there!" I shouted putting my hand in my hip. Everyone looked at Scarlett but she looked at Bobby. Then she realized everyone was looking at her.

"I may know how to communicate this better and I was the one that wanted to tell her but this should come from Bobby. Bobby, you're her dad. It's your job." Scarlett said.

"Balls." Bobby sighed and looked at me nervously. He put a hand on the back of his neck. He finally took in a breath and began.

"Sam, Dean, Scarlett, and I are hunters. We hunt the supernatural and those demons were probably after you because they want something from me. Demons aren't the only monsters. There are also Vampires, Wherewolves, Ghosts, you name it." Bobby said.

"Crazy clowns that eat people." Scarlett said.

"Thanks, Scar, thank you so very much for feeding my fear of clowns." I said.

"You're scared of clowns?! Ha, so are these two." Dean gestured to Sam and Scarlett.

"Dean's afraid of planes." Scarlett said. I laughed at him. Dean pouted.

"So monsters...." I trailed off. Everyone waited for my reaction. I paused and looked at them.

"Can I go on a hunt?!"

Authors note:

Sorry it's short. Love you!

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