Chapter 32: "Everything's Gonna He Alright" She Whispered To Herself

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Ignore the media. It's for xoxcaptainswanxox

You're not going to know why in this chapter, but in this book the time between season one and season 3 is much longer then in the show. It's really important you know that.
Also it's important you know that from now on you know when Bee is speaking it's italicized (Which i know you all knew that) but now whenever Scarlett is speaking back to her (in her mind) it will be italicized and underlined. Got it? Good :) read on!!!!!

Dean pulled out a gun and pointed it at me. I held up my hands.

"Woah." I said.

"How do you know our names?" Dean asked.

"Put the gun down, Winchester, I'm a semi normal sixteen year old girl. I'm not evil or bad or a witch or anything." I said. It didn't help Dean kept the gun up.

"Yes, because all normal teenage girls wear all black and have black makeup caked on their faces." Dean said. After Lucifer rose I decided it was the time to go dark so yeah I had on a much fiercer look. I'm just glad he didn't know about the gun hidden under my shirt in the back and the machete in my boot. When your hunter you always have to have weapons, but he doesn't know i'm a hunter yet.

"I'm a hunter alright. That's how I know your name." I said.

"Dean, look at her she's obviously talking the truth put the gun down." Sam said. And I have to admit Sam looked WAY different then how I see him like way way different. They both did. They were both like not that much older then me. The Dean I'm with is only like ten years older then me and Sam is like six years older than me. It's strange. Dean slowly lowered his gun.

"Who's your family?" He asked.

"I can't tell you." I said. Dean brought his gun back up.

"Alright, sweetheart, what can you tell me?" he asked. Dang, younger Dean is even more of an ass hat then older Dean.

"What?" the guys asked.

"Did I say that out loud?" I asked.

"Yes, and I don't understand a word of it." Dean said.

"Look, you may not believe me because I swear hunters are very close minded considering their line of work but I'm from the future. I don't know how I'm here but I know you're not my Sam and Dean you're much much much younger. I don't want to stay here I want to get back to the you that's a dick but much less of a dick and never really a dick to me." I said. Dean shook his head.

"Your right I don't believe you." Dean said.

"I do. Come on Dean, she's right, we hunt the supernatural who's to say to me traveling isn't real?" Sam asked.

"So what we're in an episode of Doctor Who now, Sammy?" Dean asked his brother.

"Look, I can give you proof." I said.

"What proof?" Dean asked.

"Well, I don't know why but I know that amulet is very very important to you. Not everyone knows that right so you would have had to show me somehow? Um, I can show you a picture of you guys and me?" I asked. Dean nodded.

"Amulet thing not good enough I want a picture." he said.

"Okay I'm getting out my phone not a weapon." I said pulling out my smartphone. I pulled up a selfie of me and the guys and gave it to Sam who then passed it to Dean.

"Wow, I'm old in this." he said he put his gun away and handed me my phone back. I nodded.


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