Chapter 33: My Guardian Angel Until The Very End

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If she says dad in her thoughts it's about older Dean sometimes she might call younger Dean my father though but dad is reserved for her Dean.

I stood next to Sam at a gas station looking at a map on the hood of the car while Dean, was on the phone. It's been weeks of me praying and doing research and all sorts of things and coming out with nothing. We have no leads so it's nit like there's much else we can do so I've just been hunting with Sam and Dean. Dean's been annoying the crap out of me but he's gotten used to me so now it's an annoying brother type annoying not something where he hates me and is annoying. So it's basically like his and Sam's relationship. Not like the relationship I have with future Dean but at least it's still a caring relationship.

"Ok. I think I found a way we can bypass that construction just east of here. We might even make Pennsylvania faster than we thought." Sam said. Directing it more towards Dean then me. I was looking at the map but I wasn't really paying attention. Dean hung up the phone and slipped it into his pocket.

"Yeah. Problem is, we're not going to Pennsylvania." Dean said.

"We what?" Sam, asked.

"I just got a call from an, uh, old friend. Her father was killed last night, think it might be our kind of thing." He said.

"What?" I asked.

"Yeah. Believe me, she never woulda called, never, if she didn't need us." Dean said. He climbed into the impala.

"Come on, are you coming or not?" Dean asked.


"By old friend you mean...?" Sam, asked as we sat driving in the Impala.

"A friend that's not new." Dean said.

"Oh yeah, thanks. So her name's Cassie huh? You never mentioned her..." Sam said. This perked my interest. Cassie? Could it be? No...

"Didn't I?" Dean asked. There was so no answer Sam and I juts looked at Dean expectantly.

"Yeah, we went out." Dean said.

"You mean you dated somebody? For more than one night." Sam said raising an eyebrow. I played with the hem of my shirt. Please don't be who I think it is. I won't be able to handle that.

"Am I speaking a language you're not getting here? Dad and I were working a job in Ohio, right after you left, she was finishing up college. We went out for a coupla weeks." Dean said.

"And...?" Sam asked. Dean just shrugged.

"Look, it's terrible about her dad, but it kinda sounds like a standard car accident. I'm not seeing how it fits with what we do. Which by the way, how does she know what we do?" Sam asked. If you're wondering how Sam knows what was going on and I don't it's probably because the moment we got into the car I shoved headphones in and began blaring Set It Off, whom isn't even a band yet. That's weird. I only have their music on my phone because when my phone transfered over it was still the same except when I tried calling Deans number it called the Dean I'm with now. Anyways, back to what Sam was saying he had asked how Cassie knew about what we do. Dean kind if shifted.

"You told her. You told her, the secret! Our big family rule number one. We do what we do and we shut up about it. For a year and a half I do nothing but lie to Jessica, and you go out with this chick in Ohio a coupla times and you tell her everything?" Sam asked irritated. Dean was silent.

"Dean!" Sam said angrily.

"Yeah. Looks like." Dean said he just stared straight ahead. You know Sam's signature bitch face? Can you guess what he's doing right now? No? Whatever....

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