Chapter 36: I Wasn't There When You Took Your First Breath, But I'm On My Way

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Song in media is just beautiful and amazing and ugh I love Set It Off seriously. Just listen to the song it is so worth it ad if for some reason you don't like it I highly suggest you look up another song and another until you find one you like because they are just to good to not love!

"Okay, calm down Bobby when is she getting here?" I asked Bobby whom was pacing around the room upset.

"A month!" he said.

"Seriously? Okay, that's plenty of time to get her a room prepared and get you more calm." I said.

"How did you even find out about her? Why is she coming?" Sam asked.

"Her step dad was arrested and a social worker called me because her mom passed away when she was 5." he said.

"What's her name?" Dean asked.

"Angel." he said. Dean snorted.

"Of course it is." he said. I glared at him. Now really wasn't the time.

"Bobby, what are you planning in doing?" I asked.

"I don't want to bring her into this life but how am I going to keep it from her?" Bobby asked.

"How old is she?" I asked.

"Fourteen." he said. I nodded.

"If your only leaving for a few days at a time just tell her you're FBI and she should be able to handle just a few days by herself. Just, wait a few weeks before you go on another hunt. She needs time to get used to you and comfortable with you." I said. Bobby stopped pacing and looked at me.

"You think that'll work?" he asked.

"Of course it will. I'll even stay here for a week or two to help her out and then the first hunt you go on I'll stay with her then too." I said. He nodded.


"Now we should all just go get her room ready." I said turning and going up the stairs.

"Wow, looks like she's in control." Dean said slightly proud and slightly sounding the way parents sound when their children get bossy with them. I snickered a bit and went into one of Bobby's vacant rooms. Bobby has ten rooms upstairs. Three are for when Sam, Dean, and I stay here, his room is downstairs. The rest of the rooms are either empty or full of junk. I went into an empty one. It was literally completely empty. Not even a bed.

"Okay, so Sam and I can go shopping for paint and decorations and Bobby and Dean you guys go get her a bed, dresser, and bedside table." I said. They all exchanged glances considering I had just told them what to do and they went sure if they should. I rolled my eyes.

"Come on guys. I think considering I was a fourteen year old girl two years ago I know what's best to do in this situation!" I said they all nodded but the I had a thought.

"Actually why don't you three take Bobby's truck to get furniture and let me go get what she's going to need." I said.

"With baby?!" Dean asked. I gave him the puppy dog eyes.

"No stop. Ugh, Okay fine." He tossed me the keys.

"Bobby, I need the social workers phone number." I said. He nodded and gave it to me and we went outside.

"Don't use the phone while you're driving!" Dean said.

"Fine." I said. I got in and watched as they drove away in Bobby's truck. I quickly dialed the number.

"Hello?" the woman asked.

"Hi, my name is Scarlett I'm Bobby Singer's... Niece, I'm trying to help him get ready for this since he doesn't know much about teenage girls. Could you answer a few questions?" I asked.

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