Part 2 Chapter 5 Aftermath Battle of Yavin

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Arkev Huis is the chief secretary to Governor Trevat. The two secretaries under him are Erman Krusdiv, secretary for Governor's activities, and Herman Armitt, secretary for company activities. Just now, Arkev received word from the doctor who treated Trevat that Governor Trevat was able to walk, although it was still not smooth, so the doctor had allowed Trevat to start working on matters from his position again. However, the doctor advised that only important matters be discussed, as well as avoid things that would make Governor Trevat think too much.

Arkev had spoken to Admiral Aedat to accompany him to Trevat to begin telling him what had happened while Trevat was in the hospital. Both agreed that not everything would be said, so that Trevat could still rest. Despite the doctor's orders, the news they just received regarding the destruction of the Death Star must be reported. This is because the news is very important and must be followed up immediately. Moreover, there are important and urgent letters that must be replied to from the Emperor regarding it.

Arriving at Trevat's room, they found Trevat eating a snack. Trevat motioned for the two to sit beside his bed. First they tell what happened to Trevat that caused Trevat to be like that. Trevat asked if it was possible to reproduce the incident. Admiral Aedat said they could not know for sure what happened, much less reproduce what happened.

But Trevat insisted on asking to conduct an investigation into the phenomenon that happened to him. Trevat argues that if this phenomenon can be used as a weapon, then there is no way to prevent it and important people can be killed without anyone being able to prevent it. Therefore, the causes of this phenomenon must continue to be investigated. Admiral Aedat will pass on orders to the scientific community from Myto to carry out Governor Trevat's orders.

Then Arkev informs Trevat of the Death Star's destruction five days ago. This is the news Trevat has been waiting for, because with this event it can be concluded that it is currently 0 BBY. The fictional Star Wars timeline says that Trevat has only 4 years left before the Emperor dies and the Empire is destroyed at the Emperor's orders.

Trevat asked, "What was the reaction of the Emperor?"

"According to the news we got, the Emperor was furious. There is news that the person who brought the news that the Death Star was destroyed was killed by the force lightning that came from the Emperor when he went out of control. " Arkev replied.

"Hmm, not surprising. Losing a military asset as big and expensive as that would, of course, make people angry. One of the drawbacks of centralizing military assets into one. You cannot put all your eggs in one basket." Trevat mumbles

In addition to personal anger, Trevat's two subordinates also reported that it was also reported that the Emperor was very angry and that many heads had been lost because of the Emperor's punishment. The Emperor conducted an internal assessment of all the governors, Moffs, and fleet leadership. There were many people who were replaced, and some were even punished. The Emperor ordered an increase in military capabilities and the strengthening of the local military and fleet to narrow the movement of the Rebellion. Trevat was told that Myto was one of the highest rated by the Emperor, and the Emperor gave Myto a special congratulatory letter and ordered Myto to upgrade his local troops, including acquiring new or used star ships from fleet command. In addition, the Emperor also wished Trevat a speedy recovery and apologized for not being able to personally come to visit Trevat. Even though the Emperor had a very high position, the Emperor's closeness to the Trevat family caused the Emperor to feel bad not to visit Trevat.

In addition, the Emperor also delivered a personal letter asking the Trevat Company to support a secret project as a freight forwarder. The Emperor asked for 1,000 freighters to support a secret project. This is because the events that occurred on Death Star I caused the Emperor to become suspicious of many people around him, while it required a lot of support to carry out the secret project. One of the people the Emperor still trusts is the Trevat family, in this case, Governor Trevat. It is known that the secret project is located in Endor. Trevat knew right away that it was a Death Star II project. The Emperor in his letter mentions that because of the importance of this, he only trusts a few parties to carry out a secret project (Project Death Star II). Therefore, help from Trevat is highly expected and the Emperor promises a very good reward, although it is not stated what the reward is.

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