Part 6 Chapter 15

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Terminus Island, Jakarta
Central Government Building
A few days later,
Moff Trevat's meeting room

Moff Trevat held a regular meeting to discuss various matters regarding the Myto Empire, specifically the activation of 'Liberty' to start producing Myto Empire military ships. The meeting was attended by all the leaders of the Myto Empire, namely:

- Admiral Aedat Iskir, commander of the Home Fleet
- Admiral Druna Arkena, commander of 1st Defense Fleet
- Admiral Akul Tzu, commander of 2nd Defense Fleet (Present via holonet)
- Admiral Aden Kambil, commander 3rd Defense Fleet
- Admiral Erna Trena, commander 4rd Defense Fleet
- Admiral Sybil Huski, commander 5th Defense Fleet (present via holonet)
- Admiral Grogot Krumpel, commander 6th Defense Fleet
- Admiral Dana Istikal, commander 7th Defense Fleet
- Admiral Jan Tripta, commander 8th Defense Fleet
- Admiral Arakel Yeera, commander 9th Defense Fleet
- Admiral Fremsa Dita, commander 10th Defense Fleet
- Admiral Krumbel Kasheef, commander 1st Exploration Fleet
- Admiral Haskot Himlow, commander 2nd Exploration Fleet
- General Famla Adil, leader of Myto special forces and intelligence
- General Armeda Krakov, system security leader
- Cmdr. Deriick Galsgov, head of Moff Trevat's private fleet
- Chief Secretary of Arkev Huis
- Dr. Anen Druma, head of the Myto Institute of Science
- Dr. Kandar Hina, industry leader of Myto
- Governor of Elysia, Ira Ishil
- Governor of Trantor, Noona Arkena (present via holonet)

Chairman of the meeting, Moff Trevat.

"First of all, I would like to congratulate Admirals Arakel and Fremsa on their appointments to lead the 9th and 10th Defense Fleets, although the contents of the Fleets are still very basic. If I'm not mistaken, each fleet only consists of 2 battlestars, 1 interdictor cruiser, 4 Concordat destroyers, and 10 K'tinga attack cruisers." Trevat said

"That's right, moff." Admiral Fremsa said, followed by a nod from Admiral Arakel.

"We expect that the additional production capability of the 'Liberty' will accelerate the formation of additional fleets and also strengthen the fleet system. How is the progress going?" asked Trevat.

"We have only used about 30% of the 'Liberty's capabilities to produce ships. 15% is being used to build automated space stations that will be used for system defense, and another 15% is being used to build Concordat destroyers and K'tinga attack cruisers." Kandar Hina said.

"What is the estimated output? How fast can those ships be produced?" Trevat asked further.
Currently, the estimated production speed is 50 automated space stations, 15 K'tinga, and 3 Concordat per day." Kandar said.

"Wow, what an amazing speed! It seems like it's more than half the total production capability of our ships on other installations." Admiral Erna commented.

"That's right, it's about 60% of our ship production capability. Similar to the problem in our shipyard, the supply of raw materials is the bottleneck. Our production of raw materials and semi-finished materials is barely enough. We have already started secrapping the vessels in Star System TC72D and also those we have in Elysia. We must try to increase our mining capacity." Kandar said.

"What about the automated mining station in Star System TC72D? Can't it fulfill the needs of the 'Liberty'?" asked Admiral Haskot.

"The automated mining station is still being repaired and may be fully operational within 2 weeks. Although the output will be quite large, it still does not meet the demand for meterials." Kandar said.

"It seems that they are also mining outside the Star system TC72D. Is it possible for us to find an automated mining station in the Star system around Star system TC72D?" asked Trevat.

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