Part 5 Chapter 11

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Myto Empire
Terminus Island, Jakarta.
Central Government Building

Currently, a limited leadership meeting is being held with the following participants:

- Moff Trevat
- Admiral Ira Ishil, commander of the 3rd Defense Fleet
- Admiral Krumbel Kasheef, commander of the 1st Exploration Fleet
- Admiral Haskot Himlow, commander of the 2nd Exploration Fleet
- General Famla Adil, leader of special forces and intelligence Myto
- General Armeda Krakov, system chief security
- Chief Secretary Arkev Huis
- Dr. Anen Druma, head of the Myto Science Institute
- Kandar Hina, Myto industry leader

Chairperson of the meeting: Moff Trevat

The meeting discussed the development of planetary exploration, especially the A35E1 system, and the advance technology transfer to the Mu Empire.

After the opening of the meeting, Moff Trevat asked for an explanation of the progress of exploration of the A35E1 system.

"We have done a thorough exploration of the A35E1 system. There are 18 active military installations that automatically fire weapons when approached by an unknown starship. We were able to neutralize all of those installations, but only 14 that we could control were relatively intact, including the first installation encountered by the 3KT267Y droid probe. The rest had to be destroyed—one completely destroyed, and three still to be explored." replied Admiral Krumbel.

"We have also succeeded in fully exploring the first installation. We discovered that the planet was named New Earth, and the two large satellites were named Europa and America. While the other 5 small satellites are called Alpha, Beta, Gamma, Delta, and Eta, in order from largest to smallest in size. The installation found on the 3KT267Y droid probe is on Eta. We've downloaded the contents from the main computer in that installation and started decoding the contents. The existing language is called English, and we have created a translation matrix for it. Currently the matrix has been disseminated." General Famla continued. "There are still eight active installations in all of the new Earth satellites that have not been explored, and there are 14 active military installations in that system that have not been explored, only secured. We have scanned New Earth, and it turns out that there are 219 active installations, but no military installations that have survived. All are unexplored."

"We have discovered a lot of new technologies. But actually, the technological level of the New Earth civilization is still below ours. But the efficiency of the equipment is very high—much better than ours. They still use fusion and antimatter resources. We ask permission to obtain sufficient resources to be able to research these technologies, as they can enhance our technological capabilities. " continued Dr. Anen.

"I give permission for you to get those resources. Immediately form a task force consisting of experts to research all newly discovered technologies. Also move the 8th Defense Fleet to New Earth, plus 2 Golan Defense Platforms to protect it. How about the possibility of restoring ecosystems on New Earth?" ask Trevat

"We have to build an atmospheric reclamation station and a decontamination droid to be able to restore the ecosystem there. It will take at least 5 years to be able to restore the atmosphere and soil there, not including efforts to repair the ecosystem so that it recovers to M class." replied Dr. Anen.

The conversation was extended to cover the possibility of New Earth reclamation as well as technological research findings.After that, the discussion moved on to cooperation and the transfer of technology to the Mu Empire.

"Has the use of the transit islands we built already started?" asked Trevat.

"Still not, sir. There is no traffic from Mu to the islands yet, only traffic from Myto to Mu. Looks like we should immediately market the islands not only to you but also to the countries of the Rodenius continent to start the tourism and goods transportation industries." Kandar Hina said.

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